Monday, June 19, 2023


The distraction of chosen and ordained channels of God, offending, and diverting their attention from their Christ's Calling, with the intention of bringing them to fall from the path of righteousness which leads to Salvation and eternity with the LORD, in Christ Jesus, is satanic, and comes with dire consequences that inflict God's wrath and judgement upon such demonic and deceptive vessels. This is common in today's world, where Ministers, and once-devoted Servants of God, are being enticed with pleasurable living, and choked spiritually with the earthly benefits of fleeting wealth, riches, and power, that their attention may be diverted from the purpose of their Christ's highest Calling.
Moreover, overcoming such distraction and deception, rebuking these sinners, and cutting the life off from parts of our lives which need to be thrown away, through Christ who went to the pit, yet now lives in us, makes us victorious, triumphantly putting the devil and his agents to shame, subduing the powers of the wicked, as Divine vessels of light, conquering the forces of darkness wherever we go, boldly proclaiming the Good News of God's Salvation.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for strengthening me through Christ, who lives in me, making me an Overcomer, moving from glory to glory, subduing the deceptive forces of darkness, and their negative influence on Earth, for the Salvation of souls; in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 17:1-2

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