Thursday, June 8, 2023


We do not need to try justifying ourselves before anyone. Rather, as new creations, we should continue believing in Jesus, who took sin on Himself, to make us innocent before the LORD, and be loving in each of our dealings; for He knows the thoughts of everyman, searches their hearts, and understands the intentions of every action taken or done by a person. He is the Omniscient God who knows all things, is our strong defender, and He alone makes all things right. Whatever action we take, should be for God's glory, and the advancement of His Kingdom, and never to seek praises from men, which may lead to pride, self-justification, or to neglecting the truth that we are nothing, without God.
Although, we might be encouraged in the Church and appreciated for showing love to others, yet we should not feel proud; rather, we should relentlessly give all the glory to the Potter, for while sinners, He first loved us. However, if those stuck in sin against the Word, which is Forever, or any fleshly culture, match our attitude, and together we are defending old actions over conscience or conviction, these puffed up people achieve nothing permanent, because all of God's enemies will soon be still bodies, once made in the image of the one they crucified, but Our Father rose again, to offer humankind everlasting life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD, I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration for making me a vessel of your glorious works, Strengthened to live for Christ; looking forward to your Kingdom,

From Luke 16:15

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