Thursday, June 29, 2023


Just as the Son of God was rejected in His days; conceived by the Holy Spirit, to be the Messiah of the World, redeeming mankind from their sins and eternal condemnation, so is the Church, His body, being rejected even from buildings, mocked and sometimes, it's ministering Priests are being persecuted for witnessing to the Good News of Salvation. This happened in the days of Noah, and that of Lot's, for many again choose the preference of enjoying the luxury and pleasures of the Earth, saying "Seeing is believing," and what they possess and pretend while living as if terminal, is all that matters. This makes them hopeless about eternity; trying to live lustfully to the fullest, which is death, they're forsaking the purpose of their existence, which is to live by the Word of God, loving Him and His own.
However, as Christians and faithful Children of God, we mustn't give up nor relent in our Christ's Calling to reach every soul with the Gospel, before His return, bearing more fruits that remain, being faithful branches in the True Vine, for His glory. Nevermind the persecution, mockery, or tribulations; for, we are victorious in Christ Jesus: equipped through the Holy Spirit as triumphant vessels of God, ordained to conquer the principalities and powers of wickedness, by Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for the glorious call of Salvation, being equipped by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News to all, as an Overcomer, through Christ who lives in me.

From Luke 17:25-30

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