Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Vengeance is of the LORD; even so, He hears the cries and attends to the supplications of His Faithfuls (Psalm 34:15, 94:1). He meets us at the point of our needs, by subduing every force and persecuting power standing against us, pummeling them before our very eyes.
His vengeance is sure as the clothes we put on; though it may take some time to be experienced physically, it won't be long. He never fails to vindicate the righteous in Christ Jesus, eliminating the life of the wicked, and engulfing us with His glorious shield of Light! This overcomes every form of darkness obstructing His own from moving forward into the place of Joy, Peace, and Glory, where His saints dwell.
Therefore, let's endeavor to persevere in times of trials and tribulations, found always holding onto our faith - for we are Overcomers, destined to triumph, already washed in the blood of Christ Jesus, who is coming quickly.
PRAYER: LORD, I give you all the glory, for vengeance is yours, and with you, I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 18:7-8

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...