Friday, July 14, 2023


Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and every one of the inhabitants who are alive therein, is the Omnipotent God, whom nothing is impossible for (Jeremiah 32:17). He sees and understands our situation; so, as we come in humility before Him, placing our supplications at the cross, with repentant hearts and faithful spirits, He who never fails, will surely meet us at the point of our needs, in due time.
Though, we may try our best as mortals, even so, no one can ever be perfect without the Son of God, Who loves us at our worst, so gave His Life, forgiving humankind in a way anyone can understand. The LORD, the Great I Am That I Am, is the perfect one, and as we place Him first, through prayers and full submission to His will, He hears us, and makes all our endeavors perfectly established, as we trust in His Grace and infinite Glory.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, I affirm: there is nothing impossible with you, and my purpose in life is established, as I lay it down, in your Holy name;

From Luke 18:27

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The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of  an unrepentant nature igniti...