Friday, July 7, 2023


Being deserving of God's Kingdom, requires not only our faithfulness and dedication, but also includes humility - expressed in love, compassionately, asking for His presence, from the depth of our hearts. Once, we were children who are dependent upon others to take them away from the flame and into Church, and without God's Salvation touching every aspect of our lives, we would still be lost.
We should never look down on anyone, as only Jesus' sacrifice makes humankind worthy to enter into God's presence, because we have received Good News to share, according to the audience, with anyone it's sent to next, of what He has done for the world, and ourselves. Wisdom comes by seeking God with faith, and not education, because knowledge puffs up. May we let go of anything personally that would cause a hindrance to others, but build up each one upon the solid Rock.
Humbling ourselves as little Children, brings us closer to the LORD, revealing our true submission to His Divine will and purpose for our lives; because, only a faithful Servant can truly serve his Master with dedication and honesty.
However, this is possible when you have the Love of the Father in you, made manifest through the Holy Spirit, who reveals our identity as Christ's ambassadors, destined to advance God's Kingdom with: Love and sincerity, from the depth of our hearts, to the glory of the Father, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: O' LORD, I come before you in humility, to worship you in Truth and in the Spirit, that your Divine purpose in my life may remain established, for your glory, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 18:16

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