Monday, July 3, 2023


The exact day of the LORD is a surprise to His creation, and the time of His judgement upon mankind is unknown to anyone, until it begins; for He will surely separate the righteous from the workers of iniquity, even taking up some of us, before the eyes of the inhabitants of the Earth.
This is certain and will surely come to pass. So, we should always remain prepared for the LORD, as the Bride waiting for the Bridegroom, keeping the lamp burning, through the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, that we may be united with Him on the day of His glorious coming, for eternity!
Though, this will be at an unknown time, taking place when no one expects, yet as Sons and Daughters of God, no matter who is around, we individually should always remain actively prepared, in full submission to His will - constantly proclaiming the Gospel and living by faith, even as we endlessly bear more fruit for His glory, in Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us preserved for the time when we will be united with the saints, as Sons and Daughters of God, in your Heavenly Kingdom,

From Luke 17:34-36

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