Friday, July 28, 2023


Being vessels of the LORD, and living testimonies of His good will, makes us noticeable by all. His Divine Grace and anointing in our lives, inspires souls to praise and glorify the King - exalting Him for His marvelous works in our lives and through Believers, which attracts more souls to the redeeming grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the Salvation of their souls.
So, let's endeavor to remain actively useful for the LORD'S glory as true ambassadors of Christ, that we may carry on as sources of praise and gratitude which rise to our Heavenly Father.
PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus for coming in the Name of the LORD; Your Divine presence in my life has made me a vessel of your glorious works, being a source of inspiration that brings forth Joy and praises from Your Creation, amen.

From Luke 19:37-38

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