Wednesday, August 16, 2023


The LORD, our Creator, is the God of the living and not of the dead, for the dead can not praise Him! Our service to He who is the Source of abundant life, requires us to stay alive; though dead to the flesh, yet in the Spirit, we are quickened to glorify our Heavenly Father, no matter what comes. He keeps the Book of Life, filled with personal names of those saved from the second death.
Moreover, the flesh has a limited time to live, before it returns to the dust, where it belongs. Still, it accommodates the soul, being strengthened by the Spirit to function according to the will of the LORD; we serve as His Creations - living as ambassadors of Christ who loves us, declaring His Good News to all. Even so, after the corruption of the body, the soul who is eternal, along with the Spirit, will return to our Creator.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, my Creator, thank you for making me a vessel consecrated for your service - forever glorifying Your name, as a living testimony of Your marvelous works,

From Luke 20:37-38

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