Our stewardship as laborers in the LORD'S vineyard, is strictly for His glory. Even so, when a selfish motive is conceived and brought to actualization while in service, one's priestly authority and spiritual status could be taken away by LORD, who appoints His own.
Furthermore, selfishness in a man's life makes him deviate from the purpose of Christ's Calling, leading to the Divine replacement of his station by our Heavenly Father, whose servants' works can't be stopped; rather, by our faith in Jesus, we remain active beyond death of the body.
So, let's remain faithful and just in  rendering our service to the LORD, giving no room for lustful and selfish desires, that our souls may be well prepared for the glorious harvest, as truly humble laborers in His vineyard.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, my God, thank you for graciously placing me in a position of service in your vineyard, that there may be a great harvest of souls on the second coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord;

From Luke  20:9-16

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...