Tuesday, October 3, 2023


God's Kingdom never promotes physical violence; rather, it encourages patience and peaceful co-existence, because it's not of this world. Although, it's existing on the surface of the Earth as the church; still, it is established in love for the unity of brethren in the Body of Christ, which pleases the LORD (Psalm 133:1).
Therefore, as Heirs of the Father, we should always remain Peacemakers, no matter the situation we find ourselves; discouraging physical violence as ambassadors of Christ, graced with enduring heart's - placing our challenges before the LORD in prayers, for vengeance belongs to Him, and we will ever remain triumphantly victorious; over the rulers of darkness and spiritual host of wickedness in Jesus' name (Psalm 94:1, Matthew 5:9, Ephesians 6:12).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ - the Prince of Peace; for your presence in my life, as made me an ambassadors of Peace, being graced with an enduring Spirit to overcome every violence - influenced by the kingdom of darkness, with Your unconditional love dwelling in my heart,

From Luke 22:49-51

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