Thursday, October 5, 2023


Everyone who truly repent from the depth of their hearts; shows signs of remorse - regreting their sinful and wrongful deeds, while they humble themselves to be deserving of Divine forgiveness. This makes them worthy of God's Mercy and redeeming Grace, needed for the Salvation of their souls.
However, being remorseful of sinful acts and wrongful thoughts; reveals one's readiness and total submission to his Christ's Calling, while he makes himself useful in the LORD'S Vineyard - bearing fruits that remains for God's Kingdom. So, let's never stop proclaiming the Gospel; reaching more souls and touching lives with the Good News of Salvation, that more souls may come into repentance - being remorseful of their sins, and receive Jesus Christ into their hearts, for the redemption of their souls.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Merciful Father, for Your redeeming Grace and unconditional Love, which keeps me preserved in Your presence - being remorseful of my wrong deeds, and focused on living the life of Christ; bearing fruits that remains for the advancement of Your Kingdom,

From Luke 22:54-62

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