Thursday, October 12, 2023


As faithful Christians living in the righteousness of God our ransom, Jesus Christ, we will always remain vindicated over every accusation of the wicked, coming from the kingdom of darkness; even as we endlessly proclaim His Gospel for the Salvation of souls from the Grave. This is established by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, which cleanses us from all our guilt and stains, as He is without a single spot deserving of death (1 John 1:7-9).
Therefore, we should always remain faithful and courageous, even in trials; for, every accusation formed against us, and brought before a Judge, only to hinder the fulfillment of our Christ's Calling, or divert our attention from the actualization of our Christ's identity, will definitely be overruled for God's glory, in Jesus' name!
PRAYER: Dear LORD, our Blessed Redeemer - the Vindicator of the Righteous, thank you, for I am safe in Your hands, and every accusation of the wicked is termed null and void, in Jesus' Name;

From Luke 23:14-15

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