Friday, December 29, 2023


Having been reborn in the Spirit as the Body of Christ and Heirs of the Kingdom, we are graciously sanctified to live in the righteousness of God as a Temple of the Holy Spirit, who testifies that we are not of our own, but our bodies are from the LORD (1 Corinthians 6:19). The Holy Spirit works in and through us, so that we may bear fruit which remains - having been purified for the purpose of advancing God's Kingdom.
The life of a true Christian is not easily influenced by desires of the flesh nor are  events happening around a distraction; for the inner man is strengthened in the power of the Holy Spirit who moves and motivates us solely to please our Heavenly Father. So, wherever the Spirit leads, we will go, as faithful Children of God; for as He brings the wind out of His treasuries, for His glory, so are we sent, as messengers of the Gospel on Earth (Psalm 135:6-7).
PRAYER: in Jesus' name, thank You, Abba Father for equipping me to be of service in Your Vineyard, through the Holy Spirit, who keeps us readily prepared to move at the call of every Divine assignment, which brings glory to Your Holy Name,

From John 3:8

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