Monday, December 4, 2023


Advancing God's Kingdom, and bearing fruit that remains, for His glory, starts with sharing the Good News of Salvation with our loved ones and being prepared to give a reason for the hope we have, to spiritually thirsty relatives; for, "charity begins at home," (1 Peter 3:15). Having accomplished this as faithful disciples, we will stay Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to move out even more, into the fields, searching for the lost sheep and discipling them because of our  relationship with the Good Shepherd; we remain fruit-bearing branches in the True Vine.
We may each be eager for the Good News of the Kingdom to go to the whole world, however, true evangelism starts this way, that our Christ's calling may be fulfilled one testimony at a time, and in His name, our identity as a vessel of His Divine will is revealed, as we keep declaring the Salvation of the LORD to mankind with all the saints, growing in love.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for calling and choosing me to declare Your Truth; first, to all the people around me, even as I'm being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to reach out for more souls, living near and far, for Salvation we have found only in Christ Jesus,

From John 1:40-41

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