Monday, December 18, 2023


God's house is a place of worship, and shouldn't be exploited as a marketplace nor is the true Church a money-making organization.
This is so that believers may not be misguided, having contradicting thoughts about true worship and Salvation in Christ Jesus, who obediently brought tithes yet offered our Holy Father much more than His poor parents could give up to approach One so worthy; out of pure love, becoming the Lamb and ultimate sacrifice, giving us eternal Life. Worrying more about profit-making in the Church as a Priest, leads to one taking advantage of sincere believers, and he himself losing focus on his Christ's calling, rejecting his Christ's identity as a Minister consecrated to disciple members of the Body of Christ, preparing them as Sons and Daughters of God, for the Great Harvest.
Therefore, let's focus first on seeking the Kingdom of God, while we continuously strive to disciple and encourage believers, bringing to their understanding that, self-sacrifice comes with a Divine reward from the LORD, but taking advantage of the sincerity of believers for selfish gains, finally become poorer than the poor in this world are made. With the goal of being right with the LORD, we will always remain highly favored by God, lacking nothing needed, both materially and spiritually, to live for Christ, as His faithful ambassadors on Earth.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for gracefully choosing me to serve in Your Vineyard - consecrated to declare the Truth, that men may realize and repent, lifting You first as their priority and Treasure over worldly wealth and riches, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 2:16

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