Tuesday, February 6, 2024


True Christians and faithful servants of God are called and chosen to reap from the efforts of their faithful Fathers, who sowed obediently in faith, so that they may be divinely empowered by the Holy Spirit to generously advance in God's Kingdom. This is established for the growth of God's work, which the Old Testament Prophets started, and Jesus Christ, having come in the flesh, reestablished with an eternally solid foundation, upon which we convert souls, baptize, and disciple them to bear more fruit which remains.
Therefore, we should endeavor to remain faithful to the end so that we may not only come humbly to the threshing floor but be continually, Divinely rewarded as true Stewards of the manifold grace of God; then, those whom we are discipling may reap from our faithful and dedicated efforts, even as they live in the righteousness of God in Christ, increasing the Kingdom of Heaven together (1 Cor. 3:7-8, 11 & 14).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, Eternal Father, thank You for calling and anointing me as a Laborer in Your Vineyard, assigned to continue Your glorious and marvelous works, done through many before me, so that I may gracefully live to advance Your Kingdom, changing the mindsets of men today,

From John 4:38

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