Thursday, March 21, 2024


Giving thanks to the LORD for the plenty He has provided, appreciating His goodness, love, and favor freely shown to us, makes all that we have, surrendered into His able hands, more than sufficient for our needs. This is made possible through God's abundant grace upon all who are faithfully diligent in advancing His Kingdom, bearing fruit that remains, which reveals our identity in Christ, as Heirs of the Father and Sons of Abraham (Eph. 3:20).
Also, the Divine grace we receive upon every effort offered in thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, makes all that we possess, both physically and spiritually, in strength and might, enough to share - lovingly helping others with their basic needs, for the growth of His advancing Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your abundant Grace and Love in my life, which provides enough for me to share with others, in love, from the depth of my heart. Please help me to redeem the time and remain Divinely motivated to always appreciate Your Love, Grace, and presence in thanksgiving forever,

From John 6:11-13

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