Wednesday, March 27, 2024


While seeking personal Salvation and breakthrough from the captivity of the Wicked, one needs to be more focused on eternity in God's Kingdom, not merely material gains, but meditating on His Word as food, so that faith may lead many to Righteousness in Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of our souls (Josh. 1:7 & James 2:23).
The signs and wonders seen and experienced are only the beginning of one's conviction; you need to be immersed in the Living Water and be fed with the Bread of Life, God's Word, participating in discipleship so that once the Holy Spirit circumcises the heart, death comes to materialism and living by only the letter of the law, which are vanities many have covered over the Truth with (Ecc. 1:12-14 & Romans 2:28-29).
Therefore, let all seeking for Salvation in Christ Jesus focus solely on God's Kingdom and His Righteousness alone, then all that we as His faithful Children need to give thanks and testify, will be made visible in due time (Is. 38:19 & Matt. 6:33).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the Revelation of Your Word, Jesus Christ, who abides in me, keeping me focused more on Your Kingdom where my hope and treasures dwell. Please, help me to bring to the realization of men that Salvation is never materialistic; rather, it's spiritually attained by faith in Your Word, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer,

From John 6:26

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...