Monday, March 25, 2024


Our Divine calling and identity as Christians make us the head and not the tail, being above and never below, solely to bring the sons of men to the realization of Truth and Righteousness in Christ Jesus; the only Way leading every faithful believer to everlasting life in the bosom of the Father (Deut. 28:13, John 3:16 & 14:6). Even when others try to influence us as a result of the manifestation of God's Grace, Power, and Anointing on us, to be used for their selfish interests, we should always resist it so that the purpose of our existence as ambassadors of Christ, advancing God's Kingdom, may be fulfilled because we are not of this world but called by our Heavenly Father (Matt. 4:8-11, John 18:36).
Although they may be persistent to puff us up, we mustn't submit to their pressure; rather, we should endeavor to keep ourselves from being swayed by wrong influence and be more focused on our eternal inheritance, seeking guidance from the LORD by affirming and meditating on His Word while we remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, concentrated on the coming of the King of kings (Joshua 1:7-8, Matt. 6:19, Daniel 7:13-14).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Grace, Power, and Glory in my life through Your Word, which makes me a vessel of Your Divine will. Please, help me to remain focused on eternity and determined to follow Your calling so that I may always be separate from worldly influence, in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 6:15

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...