Monday, March 4, 2024


Our identity and calling in Christ Jesus makes us Witnesses to the Truth as vessels of the Holy Spirit, who Divinely testifies of God's presence in us (Matt. 3:16-17, John 1:29 & 3:2). We've been reborn for this purpose: so that many may come to the realization of the Truth, receiving Christ as the Redeemer of the World, even as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to all.
The declaration of the Holy Spirit breaks barriers and overcomes borders, so that all who listen to the Truth and obediently receive God's Word, may be saved, even as the Kingdom of God keeps advancing and we, true Christians, being Witnesses of the Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit, become fruitful for God's glory.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, our LORD, for empowering me through the Holy Spirit, to testify of Your Word, as a Witness of the Divine Truth. Please, keep me strengthened to reach out to more souls who are lacking the true knowledge of the Gospel, so that they may receive Your Salvation in Christ Jesus, our LORD,

From John 5:33-34

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...