Thursday, April 18, 2024


Once a person realizes that Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth and Life leading to never-ending time and abundant life with the Father living in Heaven, desiring to dwell in unity with the Saints, one becomes determined to faithfully serve the LORD in Truth and in the Spirit as long as he dwells on the surface of the Earth (John 14:6 & Matt. 16:16). This means upholding His Christ-Calling and never relenting in being fruitful towards advancing God's Kingdom (Matt. 7:16). Shown through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit empowering the life of Christ, sanctification of His Body is to the glory of the Father (Eph. 5:25-27).
Knowing and identifying ourselves with Christ starts with focusing our faith on He alone who is the revelation of God's Word, Love, and Image. He is united with the Holy Spirit and the Father as One God; Elohim, the Creator of all things. With trust in this lover of our souls, we are made Heirs of the Father, having received His Son who abides in Him and He in us, to remain ambassadors of Christ to the World so that through the Love of God in us, the lost may see the Light and come to the realization of the Truth, giving their short lives to Jesus Christ for the Salvation of their souls, forever.
PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Jesus for allowing me to know Your Holiness more each day, for this keeps my faith growing gracefully at a Divine speed. Please strengthen me to always share and show Your Love clearly, so that many may acknowledge Your glorious presence in my life and come to the realization of Truth, even declaring You as their Lord and the Savior of the World, until the return of God's Anointed Messiah,

From John 6:68-69

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