Believing in and living for Jesus Christ, that I AM, and the only begotten of the Father - conceived by the Holy Spirit to dwell on Earth as the Son of Man for our personal Salvation - redeems us from sin and eternal condemnation which hinders an unrepentant soul from the Kingdom heritage meant for all created for God's pleasure and glory. This is essential so that we might please our Heavenly Father while we live to diligently worship Him in Truth and in the Spirit (Mark 16:16, John 3:16-18, Heb. 11:6).
Although our souls are answerable to the LORD and our spirits are destined to return to Him, our flesh is of the dust and it belongs to Earth. So, being in relationship with the one worthy to enter Heaven, the final and everlasting residence of the Saints, we should always remain faithful and never doubt God's unchanging Word, Love, and present Spirit, so that we may ever remain deserving of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for I am saved by the gift of Your precious blood, through faith in Your Righteousness, to dwell on Earth as a vessel of Your living Word, preserved by the Holy Spirit so that I may remain deserving of Your acceptance on the last day,

From John 8:21-24

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...