The flock of Jesus Christ is united under Him as the King of the Jews who is also our Shepherd as the head of the Church, while we choose to remain dependent and submissive as His Sheep and members of His body, justified and circumcised by the Holy Spirit, to the glory and praise of God. He never intended to have multiple folds remain separate from each other; rather, He came to gather the outcast who listens to His Word, as one with all dwelling in His sheepfold so that we may all feed together on His lush field and live in the comfort of His Divinely secured pen or barn (Isaiah 56:8, John 11:52).
Furthermore, being ambassadors of Christ, we've been assigned, not to separate the docile sheep from rebellious goats, but to stand in the gap praying, continually seeking and gathering sheep who are soiled and lost in the darkness of this World - revealing the Love and Light of God to them through discipleship and the declaration of the Good News, so that they may be redeemed and brought into the fold of Christ, united as one with the only existing flock, not found in a building made by human effort - the Church and Body of Christ, Who only has one Shepherd as the True and Eternal Head - Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior (Isaiah 42:6-7).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, Eternal Head, and Good Shepherd of the flock of God, for counting me worthy of Your Comforter, open pasture and safety of Your barn's shelter. Please, keep me anointed and motivated to seek, convert, and disciple more and more of Your sheep who are far from Your Divine presence, so that many may come to Light concerning their present situation, change their minds to think and act like Your Son, and become united with the one flock and Church who are submissive to You as the only Head Shepherd;

From: John 10:16

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...