Being channels of God's mighty works, courageously declaring His Word, and revealing His Love to all without discrimination, His Name will forever be glorified in the lives of Believers of Jesus, even as we remain faithfully committed to the advancement of His marvelous Kingdom. The LORD's presence in and around His disciples makes us honored among men, identifying us as vessels ministering in His Holy Spirit so that the humble may hear and again glorify His Name (Matt. 17:5).
Moreover, by living a life of self-sacrifice, solely for the LORD - to honor and glorify Him while we as Christians endlessly bear fruits that remain, for His advancing Kingdom - we should always realize God Himself has exalted His Name, in a unique Way - through His chosen treasure (Ps. 135:4-6). Now that we live as ambassadors of Heaven and Heirs of the Father on Earth, we are free to minister in His Name, empowered with the Holy Spirit as we continuously share the knowledge of Him through His everlasting Word, reaching out to all ignorant of the Truth with God's Salvation whom we follow. With this, we remain elevated in Jesus Christ, whose Name we are identified and called by, which eternally remains above every other name (Phil. 2:9-11).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Thank You, LORD, YHWH, for glorifying Your Name, Your Salvation, in my life, making me an Overcomer - triumphing over the work of satan and forces of wickedness, to live in Your Love as a channel of Your Light to the World. Please, keep me strengthened by Your Word and comforted with Your Spirit so that Your Majestic Name will forever remain glorified in my life, for the world to see the King of Kings,

From John 12:28-29

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...