Placing faith in the Light of God, Jesus Christ and the willingness to walk in Him as a Lamp to our feet, through the path of righteousness so we may not stumble, yet remain Divinely protected and eternally preserved as channels of the Light, assigned to bring God's Kingdom among those still blind and short on time to get to our Father (Ps. 119:105). So, as Christians, we should endeavor to walk in and through the Light who remains within and around us, being a guide to the world, protective shield, and the supernatural strength who keeps us from falling, empowering every Believer to overcome the kingdom of darkness and truly live (John 1:4, 11:9-10).
As we continuously walk in the Light of the LORD, revealing the only Way leading to the Father, we are favored with the blessed assurance of everlasting life in Heaven and Divine protection on Earth, keeping us supernaturally preserved and eternally fruitful for the growth of His advancing Kingdom; for our identity as channels of God's Light separates us from the forces of darkness and makes us attractive to those who are willing to trade in their shame, personally in need of Him for their eternal Salvation.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Ever-Glorious Father, for Your Light keeps me redeemed from darkness and all evil, to live as a channel of Your glorious works on Earth. Please, keep me gracefully shining in Your glorious presence as I live daily by Your Word, walking in the Spirit to reveal Your Love, as a citizen of Your Kingdom - a child of Light,

From John 12:35-36

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...