Giving up worldliness, becoming dead to the lust of the flesh, and surrendering ourselves to God's service in repentance with a new commitment to the advancement of His Kingdom keeps every Christian alive in the Spirit, graced with the Divine assurance to share, of life everlasting, in the bosom of the LORD (Matt. 10:39, Rom. 14:8-9) We've been called in Christ Jesus to seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, not worry about the future but be hopeful of eternity as we sow the Word of God in the hearts of people with love - giving of our time, effort and treasure for the sake of converting and discipling them to go and likewise bear more fruits that remain, for the LORD'S glory (Matt. 6:33-34).
Moreover, it may seem humanly difficult to give up the instinct to survive or impossible to lower oneself enough for the multitudes, without trust in God; still, being determined to live for Christ as ambassadors of Heaven on Earth, we will remain strengthened by the Spirit who gives life and the Word who has the true life which sustains us forever (John 1:4 & 6:63).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me willing to become dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit to live for Your glory. Please keep me fruitful in Your service as I endlessly share the Good News of Salvation to all, so that many who are dead to the Spirit may spring up from a life mercifully poured out, to live for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From John 12:24-25

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...