We should always remain faithful and courageous, rebuking every thought stimulating doubts and fear for the LORD is with the humble in the Spirit, He has done what He said and will come in His glory and majesty to relieve every Believer worshipping Him in Truth and in the Spirit, from the oppression of the agents of darkness and forces of wickedness opposing God's advancing Kingdom and the peace of His Children on Earth (Is. 41:10). Our Calling in Christ identifies us as channels of God's living Word, ministering through His Spirit to bring the good tidings of great joy as we declare the Gospel of Salvation to all, without fear (Is. 40:9). The Lamb of God comes to redeem the likes of us, in an approachable and humble form; therefore, we have no reason to be worried or afraid as vessels of the Holy Spirit sharing the Truth of God's Word, so we should continue voicing it out, that many may be redeemed before the King of Kings arrives again - to reward every soul according to each of their works (Zech. 9:9, Rev. 22:12).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for taking away the Spirit of fear and giving me Love, power, and a sound mind to testify of Your great kindness to all (2 Tim. 1:7). Please, keep me strengthened and focused on reaching out to souls lacking the knowledge of Your Word so that many may be reborn and their souls saved for God's advancing Kingdom,

From John 12:15

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...