Everyone wants peace about the future, but we are favored with prophetic revelations as Christians and faithful Children of God, to be readily prepared for persecution and to testify when each vision is fulfilled (Is. 55:11). Sharing what is shown strengthens faith, making us God's channels of Testimony, seeing His words pertaining to the future coming to pass before our eyes, as Witnesses of the Truth and Sons and Daughters of I AM, the Covenant Keeping God who never fails to do the impossible; moreover, at the fulfillment of every prayer and prophecy, great stories for His glory usually come from both those who initially doubted and those who believe, as a realization of the Truth comes to fulfillment through His Anointed vessels (Luke 1:37-38, John 14:27 & 29). So, let's stay true, faithfully growing in God's Word, knowing that all He has declared and revealed to conduits of clay, will surely come to pass as we keep ministering, no matter the cost, in His Holy Name, which remains from eternity-past, forevermore (John 8:58-59, Ps. 90:2-4).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Everlasting Father and Covenant-Keeping God, for hearing this prayer and the revelation of Your Word which keeps us alive to the Truth, active in faith, and graced with the blessed assurance of a great future (Jer. 29:11-12). Please, keep me living in the fulfillment of Your Word so I may continue confidently testifying of Your goodness in my life, according to Your will,

From John 13:19

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