One who is reborn in the Spirit lives solely to glorify the LORD by doing His goodwill and revealing God's Love to all by offering himself as a living-sacrifice for the growth of His Kingdom, advancing as Christians continuously bear more fruits that remain, for His glory in Christ Jesus. We do so to stay graciously honored by the Father who uplifts Believers in the Spirit through His Word and Son who dwells in Little-Christs and Faithful servants of God, living to the fulfillment of His everlasting Word on Earth, being channels of His Love, accurately and speedily glorifying Him who will do the same in return (John 12:23 & 24, Acts 3:13).
Also, glorifying the LORD by serving Him diligently from the depth of our hearts until our last breath, as fragile vessels of the Holy Spirit, ministering in His Holy Name according to the ability He has Divinely endowed every Christian with, we remain living ambassadors of Jesus Christ whom God eternally exalts while we stay humble for His Kingdom service, solely for the redemption of souls waiting for latter rains to be poured out (John 17:4 & 5, 1 Pet. 4:11, 13 & 14).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Eternal Father and King of Glory, for glorifying Your Word and Son, Jesus Christ in my life, using me as a channel of Your Spirit of glory producing marvelous works gloriously declaring Your Word for the redemption of souls. Please, keep me strengthened to love others as I continuously glorify God's Salvation so that lives may be renewed and mindsets transformed, for Your glory to be revealed,

From John 13:31-32

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...