Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Every revelation of God in Christ Jesus, declared through His ministering vessels, by the Holy Spirit, will surely be fulfilled for His thoughts towards us are of peace and not evil, so we may have hope of a joyful and greater future, dwelling in His presence, while along the journey, our faith grows stronger, for His glory (Jos. 21:45, Is. 55:11, Jer. 29:11). As disciples, we are favored with knowledge of the future to keep us readily preserved for the hour of testimony when His unfailing Word becomes visual to the eyes of many, making more souls realize the Power of God and renewing their faith, at the manifestation of His awesome works (John 13:19 & 14:22).
Therefore, let's hold on to our faith in God's Word, revealed through dreams, visions, and prophecies ministered to us by His vessels and we will be filled with joy and songs of praises at the fulfillment of His life-transforming words.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, the Covenant-keeping God who never fails to answer my questions; still You always keep me established by the fulfillment of every promise prophesied through Your vessels of living water, ministering concerning my life. Please, continue to strengthen me as a channel of Your certain Word, so that as many who might receive it, testify of Your Divine transformation in their lives, in Jesus' Name,

From John 14:29

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...