Just as God's Word, Jesus Christ, reveals the Father, being the image and Son of God lovingly given to all who receive Him, the Holy Spirit manifests His eternal existence and declarations to everyone faithful to Him; still, only what the Word authorizes, the Spirit affirms - for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One (John 5:7 & 16:13). All authority in Heaven and Earth belongs to Jesus Christ our Lord, being the Word proceeding from the Father and expressing Himself through the Holy Spirit who announces exactly what the Word commands, which is only made known to Faithful Ones, whom the Son says may have the knowledge for Divine guidance (Matt. 11:27).
Moreover, the Father loves the Son and has made Him the only way that we may become united with Him as a result of sin after the fall of man, for the Son returned to the Father and sent the Comforter so we may stay separated from iniquity and it's consequence, empowered to remain alive, in union with Him whom all principalities and powers are subject to (Gen. 3, Matt. 28:18, John 3:16-17 & 35).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your Divine presence in me through the Holy Spirit, filling me as Your Temple with Your Love, Grace, and Authority, making me bold to affirm Your awesome message to all. Please, continue to strengthen me so that I may remain a channel of Your Word and vessel of the Holy Spirit to all,
From John 16:15
This website exists to Proclaim the Good News of Christ through Gospel teachings inspired by the Holy Spirit. Evangelism and the affirmation of Truth with Love, to bring breakthrough, give hope, and deliver all who need God's redeeming grace given by His Word and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit for the Salvation of souls is our commitment so we may continue to bear fruits into God's Kingdom for its advancement through all the Earth. Good to see you!
Friday, November 29, 2024
Thursday, November 28, 2024
As Christians, we are guided by the Holy Spirit who reveals the Truth, God's Word, so that we may always remain in right standing with the LORD, living in His Righteousness alone, as faithful Children of God and Temples consecrated for His service, which brings praises and glory to the Heavenly Father who is revealed in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of Truth reaffirms exactly what the Word declares and the future He wants us to know, for our good, being the One through whom we commune with the LORD, since we've received the Word so we may remain in the comfort of His Divine presence (Acts 2:1-4 & 33).
Also, we are favored to be blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit as Christians and faithful servants of God, living to the glory of our Savior; for we are graciously equipped as ministering vessels in the Mighty Hands of God, commissioned to proclaim the Truth to everyone in the World we come across, as Witnesses of the Gospel, guided in the path of Righteousness to testify of the Word, "who always was, who is and is to come," Jesus Christ, who is One with the Father of all Creation (John 15:26 & Rev. 1:8).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me preserved in Your goodwill and guided by the voice of the Holy Spirit in the path of Righteousness You've shown me. Please, keep me focused as I live for Your glory, and away from every distraction coming from the kingdom of darkness, so I may always stay graciously sustained by Your everlasting Word;
From John 16:13-14
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
The Divine presence of the Holy Spirit in God's Temples, ministering as channels of His Living Word, brings about the revelation of Truth declared as the Good News of Salvation to all who receive Jesus Christ as Lord by faith, yet convicts the World of sin while redeeming all who confess Him as the Righteousness of God who judges both the living and the dead (John 5:22, 1 Pet. 4:5-6). As the Power of God, the Holy Spirit, ministers in us, we become Witnesses of the Truth, proclaiming the Word of the Father who justifies every repentant soul and pierces deep into the hearts of men to get rid of prideful desires, yet condemns the ruler of the World (Acts 1:8-9, Heb. 4:12).
Moreover, God's Word is the Sword of the Spirit, which makes many still living in sin feel guilty and seek redemption in Jesus Christ, who delivers from the dying World all who faithfully receive Him (Act 2:37-38).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life, making me realize when I am wrong and keeping me motivated to live by Your Word until I am no longer seen, still walking in the Spirit so that I may remain in right standing with You as the Redeemed of the Lord;
From John 16:8-11
Moreover, God's Word is the Sword of the Spirit, which makes many still living in sin feel guilty and seek redemption in Jesus Christ, who delivers from the dying World all who faithfully receive Him (Act 2:37-38).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life, making me realize when I am wrong and keeping me motivated to live by Your Word until I am no longer seen, still walking in the Spirit so that I may remain in right standing with You as the Redeemed of the Lord;
From John 16:8-11
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
The death, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to sit at the right hand of God the Father, are solely for our advantage as faithful Christians, keeping us united with the LORD through the gift of the Holy Spirit, which He favors us with, to remain in communion with the Father in the comfort of His grace and Love. Sometimes, we may face life-threatening challenges; still, as we humbly hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus who owns every authority in Heaven and on Earth, we will be vindicated by the Mighty Hands of God and given a reason to rejoice in Christ Jesus who has already fought this battle and conquered the war so that we may stay comforted in His presence, where there is Divine peace and everlasting joy (Matt. 28:18, John 16:22, 1 Pet. 5:6).
Also, "at the right hand of the Father, Jesus received from Him the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, which He poured," on us, His Faithful Ones, keeping us filled with God's Love and the comfort of His presence, as His Temples graced, emboldened, and empowered to overcome the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness (Acts 2:33).
Also, "at the right hand of the Father, Jesus received from Him the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, which He poured," on us, His Faithful Ones, keeping us filled with God's Love and the comfort of His presence, as His Temples graced, emboldened, and empowered to overcome the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness (Acts 2:33).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the revelation of Your Word, which declares the Truth, giving the comfort of the Holy Spirit to all who are Faithful. Please keep me worthy of Your presence so that I may ever remain favored with the comfort of Your presence in my life, in Jesus' Name;
From John 16:6-7
From John 16:6-7
Monday, November 25, 2024
Every revelation given to you by the Spirit of God is for your good, to keep you readily prepared for the day of fulfillment so when it comes to pass, you may recall its declaration and testify of the Power of God before all. The manifestation of God's Grace, Power, and Glory boosts the belief of the Righteous in Jesus' Love, making every Christian and faithful Child of God strengthened in the Spirit as Overcomers and ambassadors of the Kingdom - proclaiming the eternal existence of the Word and Beloved Son of God to all so that many may realize the Truth as they experience Divine changes in their lives through God's channels of ministration, by grace in Christ Jesus (John 13:19, 14:29).
Therefore, knowing that the Word of the LORD never fails and His "revelation awaits an appointed time," we should remain faithful even when it seems to linger, for it will surely come to pass; then we will testify in due time (Hab. 2:3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD - the Covenant-Keeping God who never fails, yet fulfills Your Word given as prophecies for my good and Your glory. Please, keep me strengthened with a faithful heart and enduring Spirit to remember as I await the visualization of Your Word so that others may join me to testify of Your Awesomeness as it manifests, in Jesus' Name,
From John 16:4
Friday, November 22, 2024
The revelation of God's Word keeps every Christian guided in the faith and preserved from falling into hatred - directing our footsteps and taming our tongue for His glory - so we may not err nor go astray, yet remain in right standing with God (Ps. 119:105, 2 Tim. 3:16). Also, anyone who is not offended by the Gospel, proclaimed for the Salvation of mankind, will remain highly favored and graciously blessed as the Redeemed of the LORD, by faith in Christ Jesus who delivers all who trust in Him from the bondage of sin and captivity of the wicked one (Matt. 11:6).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for being a Lamp to my feet and Light to my path, warning and keeping me safe from the snare of the wicked. I know that as I remain in Your Word and walk in the Spirit, I will always remain guided the right Way; in Your Holy Name,
From John 16:1
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for being a Lamp to my feet and Light to my path, warning and keeping me safe from the snare of the wicked. I know that as I remain in Your Word and walk in the Spirit, I will always remain guided the right Way; in Your Holy Name,
From John 16:1
Thursday, November 21, 2024
The manifestation of the Helper, the Spirit of Holiness ministering through channels of God's Word and His glorious works, testifies of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Being the Spirit of Truth which proceeds from the Father, dwelling in every faithful Christian, disciples remain Witnesses of the Good News to the World (John 14:17). The knowledge of God's Word and our Divine experience of His Omnipresent existence, makes us Witnesses on Earth, living for His glory and testifying of His goodness, as ambassadors of God's advancing Kingdom.
Furthermore, the Spirit of God gives boldness to every Christian living according to the will of the Father so that we may clearly proclaim the Truth without fear, overcoming every barrier trying to hinder the Gospel of Salvation from the reach of the needy and weak in faith so that more souls may be redeemed for the growth of God's Kingdom (Acts 2:4).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-Gracious and Loving Father, for making me a Witness of Your Living Word through the presence of Your Spirit in me, giving me the boldness to proclaim the Salvation of the LORD to all. Please, continue to keep me preserved as a vessel of testimony, declaring Your Love, for the redemption of many,
John 15:26-27
Furthermore, the Spirit of God gives boldness to every Christian living according to the will of the Father so that we may clearly proclaim the Truth without fear, overcoming every barrier trying to hinder the Gospel of Salvation from the reach of the needy and weak in faith so that more souls may be redeemed for the growth of God's Kingdom (Acts 2:4).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-Gracious and Loving Father, for making me a Witness of Your Living Word through the presence of Your Spirit in me, giving me the boldness to proclaim the Salvation of the LORD to all. Please, continue to keep me preserved as a vessel of testimony, declaring Your Love, for the redemption of many,
John 15:26-27
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
As "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God," so is the realization of sin when one refuses to receive the Gospel declared for the redemption of his or her soul, for salvation comes through the grace offered by our Heavenly Father in Christ Jesus who teaches us to renounce ungodliness and sinful pleasures so that we may remain Overcomers filled with Divine Wisdom and devotion, living in the Righteousness of God, for His glory (Rom. 10:17-19, Titus 2:11-13). The Good News of Salvation, proclaimed in love, helps as many as are ignorant of the Truth to be freed from the bondage of sin if they receive it wholeheartedly, while those who are proud, trusting in their self-proclaimed righteousness instead of God's Son, end up holding themselves back, in danger of God's judgment (John 9:39-41).
Also, since the creation of all things, our Heavenly Father's Divine nature has been revealed through His Word and the manifestation of His Power, making everyone who becomes knowledgeable of the Truth no longer have any excuse to sin - for: "to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin" (Rom. 1:19-21, Jas. 4:17).
Also, since the creation of all things, our Heavenly Father's Divine nature has been revealed through His Word and the manifestation of His Power, making everyone who becomes knowledgeable of the Truth no longer have any excuse to sin - for: "to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin" (Rom. 1:19-21, Jas. 4:17).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word has set me free from the bondage of sin, which, as a veil separating me from knowing Yourself, once blinded me. Now that I humbly receive the Truth, please keep me empowered to do Your works and live forever in Your Righteousness, as the Redeemed of the LORD, in Christ Jesus,
From John 15:22-24
From John 15:22-24
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Everything we are going through, as ministering vessels of the Holy Spirit and channels of God's Word, is all for the sake of our Calling in Christ, for our Lord and Blessed Redeemer was despised and rejected by many who only seek His persecution and death (Is. 53:3, 1 Thess. 2:15). We either detest or love the Word of the LORD, which we preach and live by, revealing our identity as ambassadors of Christ, who knows the Father very well, so we shouldn't turn away from being faithful knowing that our reward is Divine and neither death nor persecution can take away the Love God has for us (Ps. 58:11, Matt. 10:21-24, 2 John 1:8, Rom. 8:38-39).
Moreover, when Christians are criticized for the sake of our Lord and Savior, we should realize that the Spirit of God is at work in we who are reaching out to the World so the Father may be glorified, who loves us as His Blessed Children, and we will be rejoicing at the revelation of Christ's glory (1 Pet. 4:13-14 & 16).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for I'm blessed and highly favored to serve as an ambassador of the Kingdom, for Your Name's sake, not expecting any better treatment than the King, Jesus. Please, keep me focused on the calling You've commissioned me with joyfully so that I will never be discouraged from offering the Word I've received, by the rejection of those who reject Your Word,
From John 15:20-21
Monday, November 18, 2024
Being called through the Word of the LORD and chosen by Him as Royal Priests united in the Body of Christ to remain members of the Holy Nation preserved by the Spirit of God on Earth as citizens of Heaven, the eternal dwelling place of the saints, we as Christians are despised by those who are of the world; for they refused Jesus Christ and seeing God in us makes them feel hatred towards us because of our faith in Him who lovingly separates light from darkness (John 17:14, 1 Pet. 2:9.) In Christ Jesus, we are of the same Father, having overcome the world; hence, those who are evenly coupled with it will always see us as spiritually higher than them since, "He who lives in us is greater than he who is in them (1 John 4:3-5)."
Therefore, as the Lord's chosen, we shouldn't be disturbed by rejection from people who only delight in the lust of the flesh, for the calling we received is greater and our humble desire to live for His glory will remain established in the Love of God, which conquers all (Rom. 8:37).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for choosing and separating me from the world to dwell in the comfort of Your presence, where this prayer lifted with others is like sweet incense and there is everlasting peace and joy. Please, let Your Love in me continue to keep me strengthened so that I will always endure, ignoring every form of hatred coming from the worldly who delight in temporary pleasures,
From John 15:18-19
Therefore, as the Lord's chosen, we shouldn't be disturbed by rejection from people who only delight in the lust of the flesh, for the calling we received is greater and our humble desire to live for His glory will remain established in the Love of God, which conquers all (Rom. 8:37).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for choosing and separating me from the world to dwell in the comfort of Your presence, where this prayer lifted with others is like sweet incense and there is everlasting peace and joy. Please, let Your Love in me continue to keep me strengthened so that I will always endure, ignoring every form of hatred coming from the worldly who delight in temporary pleasures,
From John 15:18-19
Friday, November 15, 2024
Loving one another as Christ loves us, makes faithful Christians uniquely different from the sons of men who only love and care for physical and material reasons beneficial to themselves and their selfish interest, showing we are His (John 13:34-35). The love we freely share with and show to others is Divinely demanded, discouraging every form of discrimination while motivating unity through faith in Christ, which ensures God's presence manifesting through the Holy Spirit who strengthens those who are chosen to bring Him glory (Ps. 133:1, Eph. 4:13-15).
Also, the love of God in us, shown to our neighbors and loved ones, is an act of keeping the LORD'S Commandments, "for whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen [...]" (Mark 6:30-31, 1 John 4:20-21).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Commandments are sealed with love and the fulfillment of Your Word reveals Your Love to all. Please, keep me filled with Your Love as I live to the fulfillment of Your everlasting Word, so that everyone I come across may experience Your unfailing love and be guided to Your Holy habitation, by Your redeeming Grace (Exo. 15:13).
From John 15:17
Thursday, November 14, 2024
All who are born of God in Christ Jesus, circumcized in the Spirit, have been chosen, commissioned, and established to preach the Gospel of Salvation to every creature, making disciples for Christ, and bearing fruit that lasts, for God's Kingdom to keep advancing as we continue asking in His Name (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15). Our Heavenly Father has called and chosen His faithful ones, through His Son, for carrying out His goodwill, having appointed us for the growth of His Kingdom; although one may be selected as an adversary and backslide, still every purpose of the LORD, for the sake of the Righteous in Christ Jesus, will surely be fulfilled (John 6:70).
Therefore, let's continue to uphold our Calling in Christ, knowing He has chosen to have mercy on every laborer in His vineyard. Whatever we need and ask in His Name, to bear fruit that lasts, will surely be granted; for the authority of God in Christ Jesus is in Brethren and Sisters destined to live for His glory.
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for choosing me at this time, making me highly favored among others, even when I go before our Father. Your presence in this branch, through the Holy Spirit, keeps me fruitful in the advancement of Your Kingdom so I am confident, by Your grace, whatever I need to live forever, for Your glory, will be given to me, in one Name,
From John 15:16
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Being born of both water and the Holy Breath, cleansed of sin by the Blood of the Lamb begotten of God and mastering the Adversary with the words of our testimony, has made us Heirs of the Father and faithful friends of Jesus Christ - the Living Word who reveals the LORD (Gal. 3:26-27, Rev. 12:11). While worshiping the LORD in the Holy Spirit and in Truth, a Divine relationship is built, bonded by our love for God and constant communion with Him in the Spirit who brings us closer to the Father and strengthens our intimacy with the LORD by unveiling the mysteries God, wants us to know as friends of Christ, citizens of Heaven and Prophets (Amos 3:7, Matt. 13:11).
Also, as we, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, remain one with the Son of God as our Bridegroom, abiding in Him who is One with the Father, it's not a question of obligation, pride nor pay, but every time, the choice has already been made, from the heart, to follow Christ Jesus: our best friend and Savior.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Ever-Gracious and Loving Father, for calling me Your friend, sharing an intimate revelation of Your Kingdom through Your Word by the Holy Spirit within me, for my good and Your glory. Please, help me to stay faithful as a true friend deserving of Your Love and companionship,
From John 15:15
Also, as we, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, remain one with the Son of God as our Bridegroom, abiding in Him who is One with the Father, it's not a question of obligation, pride nor pay, but every time, the choice has already been made, from the heart, to follow Christ Jesus: our best friend and Savior.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Ever-Gracious and Loving Father, for calling me Your friend, sharing an intimate revelation of Your Kingdom through Your Word by the Holy Spirit within me, for my good and Your glory. Please, help me to stay faithful as a true friend deserving of Your Love and companionship,
From John 15:15
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Obedience to God's Command, from the depths of our hearts, without doubt, shows our love and friendship with Him; for our faith in the Word of the LORD and willingness to live in His righteousness alone, makes us graciously qualified to remain friends of God in Christ Jesus (Jas. 2:23). Also, doing the will of our Heavenly Father keeps us united with Him, not only as his friends but co-heirs with His Son, preserved in God's grace and glory (Matt. 12:50).
Moreover, as one who loves the LORD and delights in doing His will on Earth, the same as the saints bringing glory to God in Heaven, you will stay loved by the Father and the presence of the Holy Spirit will testify that you are a Child of God, revealing the deep things of the LORD to you, as His beloved friend (Gen. 18:17-21, John 14:21, Rom. 8:15-17 & 1 Cor. 2:9-10).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for accepting me as Your friend while I remain of service to You, living for Your glory by keeping to what You have said. Please, keep me motivated to gain more souls who will wholeheartedly submit in obedience to Your Commandment to Love each other, becoming lasting friends with You,
From John 15:14
Moreover, as one who loves the LORD and delights in doing His will on Earth, the same as the saints bringing glory to God in Heaven, you will stay loved by the Father and the presence of the Holy Spirit will testify that you are a Child of God, revealing the deep things of the LORD to you, as His beloved friend (Gen. 18:17-21, John 14:21, Rom. 8:15-17 & 1 Cor. 2:9-10).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for accepting me as Your friend while I remain of service to You, living for Your glory by keeping to what You have said. Please, keep me motivated to gain more souls who will wholeheartedly submit in obedience to Your Commandment to Love each other, becoming lasting friends with You,
From John 15:14
Monday, November 11, 2024
The full expression of love is self-sacrifice: doing all you can for another, even to the death, so that your loved ones may be set free and graciously experience Divine peace resulting from the Love of God flowing through you. We abide in the Love of the LORD shown by Jesus Christ, manifesting through the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of every faithful Christian and anointed child of God (John 15:9, Eph. 5:1-2).
Therefore, to reveal our heart for the Father in Christ Jesus, our compassionate Savior, we should remain passionate, living according to the teachings of God's Word by doing all we can for the redemption of souls through the declaration of the Gospel of Salvation, lovingly, with all our strength, and we will always remain channels of the greatest Love of all, to humanity (1 John 3:16).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father and Compassionate God, for Your Love shown to the World through Your only Begotten Son, sacrificed for my Salvation. Please, keep me strengthened as a channel of Your Love to everyone I come across in life so that I may remain a living ambassador of Your Word to all, in Jesus' Name,
From John 15:13
Therefore, to reveal our heart for the Father in Christ Jesus, our compassionate Savior, we should remain passionate, living according to the teachings of God's Word by doing all we can for the redemption of souls through the declaration of the Gospel of Salvation, lovingly, with all our strength, and we will always remain channels of the greatest Love of all, to humanity (1 John 3:16).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father and Compassionate God, for Your Love shown to the World through Your only Begotten Son, sacrificed for my Salvation. Please, keep me strengthened as a channel of Your Love to everyone I come across in life so that I may remain a living ambassador of Your Word to all, in Jesus' Name,
From John 15:13
Friday, November 8, 2024
True and honest relationships are bonded by love, for faith without love makes one spiritually worthless (1 Cor. 13:2). So, keeping the New Commandment instituted by Jesus Christ, the Son and Word of God, which says, that you love one another as I have loved you, keeps us away from hypocrisy and clinging to what is good (John 13:34, Rom. 12:9-11).
Besides, our love for Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom of whom we are His chosen Bride, adorned for His glory, is expressed by the keeping of His Commandment with intense love, making faithful Christians different from those who are not of the LORD, as we endlessly serve as channels of God's Love towards our neighbors and Brethren, for the fulfillment of the LORD'S Command given for our spiritual growth and moral conduct needed for God's glory (John 14:15, 1 John 3:10-11)
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your compassion, shown to everyone, even as You made me a channel of Your Love to all. Please, keep me strengthened as I live for Your glory, showing love to others, as a vessel of Holy Love, so I may return, an ambassador of Your goodwill towards everyone I come across in life,
From John 15:12
Besides, our love for Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom of whom we are His chosen Bride, adorned for His glory, is expressed by the keeping of His Commandment with intense love, making faithful Christians different from those who are not of the LORD, as we endlessly serve as channels of God's Love towards our neighbors and Brethren, for the fulfillment of the LORD'S Command given for our spiritual growth and moral conduct needed for God's glory (John 14:15, 1 John 3:10-11)
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your compassion, shown to everyone, even as You made me a channel of Your Love to all. Please, keep me strengthened as I live for Your glory, showing love to others, as a vessel of Holy Love, so I may return, an ambassador of Your goodwill towards everyone I come across in life,
From John 15:12
Thursday, November 7, 2024
The presence of the Joy of the LORD in Christ Jesus in every Christian who worships God in Spirit and Truth makes the Faithful joyful as they remain graciously nourished by the abundance of His Love poured out in the Spirit. God's Word is the source of everybody's joy, as long as his or her faith remains anchored to Jesus Christ, expressed through constant prayer with thanksgiving, meditation on "what is true, pure, lovely, admirable, right, worthy of praise..." and the willingness to live by the Spirit, given to understand and hope in the Holy Scriptures (1 John 1:4, Rom. 12:12, Phil. 4:8).
Also, as we receive the Word of the LORD by faith, graced with the fullness of His presence through the Holy Spirit in us, we are sure that whatever we ask in Jesus' Name, will be granted without fail, filling us with the Joy of the LORD and renewing our strength to testify of His mighty works in our lives (Neh. 8:10, John 16:24).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-gracious Father, for Your Word has filled me up with the Joy that lasts forever and strengthened my faith in You as I live for Christ who Supernaturally sustains me, always keeping me rejoicing as I experience the manifestation of Your awesome instruction moving in my life,
From John 15:11
Also, as we receive the Word of the LORD by faith, graced with the fullness of His presence through the Holy Spirit in us, we are sure that whatever we ask in Jesus' Name, will be granted without fail, filling us with the Joy of the LORD and renewing our strength to testify of His mighty works in our lives (Neh. 8:10, John 16:24).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-gracious Father, for Your Word has filled me up with the Joy that lasts forever and strengthened my faith in You as I live for Christ who Supernaturally sustains me, always keeping me rejoicing as I experience the manifestation of Your awesome instruction moving in my life,
From John 15:11
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Obedience to God's Word and the keeping of His Commandments sustains the life of every faithful Christian in the body of Christ, graciously united by the Love of the LORD, which has led to the redemption of every repentant soul who will believe (John 3:16, Rom. 5:8).
We are loved by the Father through faith in His Son - our Lord Jesus Christ, the sacrifice for our sins and loving Savior who comforts all who live for Him, with the presence of the Holy Spirit. As we reveal our love for Him by obeying His Commandments, established for our good and His glory, we will remain preserved as Heirs of the Kingdom, even while sharing Love as a city of Light on Earth (Matt. 5:14).
Moreover, anyone who loves and abides by God's Word will always acknowledge the fact that He has instructed every one of His Disciples to declare His Love by spreading the Good News to the reach of all lacking the True knowledge of the Creator so that others may be favored by the Father's Love as they receive His Word and keep His Commandments (Matt. 28:19-20, John 14:15 & 17:26).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever loving and Gracious Father, for making me able to abide in Your Love, even as Your Love remains in me, to live for Your glory - doing Your will by sincerely keeping Your Commandments from the depth of my heart. Please, continue to strengthen me as a vessel of Your undying love to the World so that many may receive Your Instructions and become in love with You in the Spirit as they acknowledge and obey Your Word in Christ Jesus,
From John 15:9-10
We are loved by the Father through faith in His Son - our Lord Jesus Christ, the sacrifice for our sins and loving Savior who comforts all who live for Him, with the presence of the Holy Spirit. As we reveal our love for Him by obeying His Commandments, established for our good and His glory, we will remain preserved as Heirs of the Kingdom, even while sharing Love as a city of Light on Earth (Matt. 5:14).
Moreover, anyone who loves and abides by God's Word will always acknowledge the fact that He has instructed every one of His Disciples to declare His Love by spreading the Good News to the reach of all lacking the True knowledge of the Creator so that others may be favored by the Father's Love as they receive His Word and keep His Commandments (Matt. 28:19-20, John 14:15 & 17:26).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever loving and Gracious Father, for making me able to abide in Your Love, even as Your Love remains in me, to live for Your glory - doing Your will by sincerely keeping Your Commandments from the depth of my heart. Please, continue to strengthen me as a vessel of Your undying love to the World so that many may receive Your Instructions and become in love with You in the Spirit as they acknowledge and obey Your Word in Christ Jesus,
From John 15:9-10
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Abiding in God's Word as His presence remains established in our lives through faithful living, according to the teachings He declared and the Commandments He has given an example of to everyman for the Salvation of our souls and for spiritual growth, gives Christians the Divine Grace and authority to ask whatever we desire, being in the Spirit of Holiness, making every one of our supplications granted without fail, for God's glory in Christ Jesus (John 14:13-14). "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness," as we abide in the True Vine - the Word of God who sustains us, His branches - we will remain disciples of Christ, redeemed by the free gift through faith (John 8:31, Phil. 1:11).
Therefore, while one walks in the Spirit, man's obedience to God's Commandments glorifies the LORD, making the follower* favored to bear fruits that last,* through the sustaining blessing of our Heavenly Father's Gift making every effort done by the person, to encourage praises to Him by all who acknowledge God's Divine presence in their lives and openly radiate the Love received (Matt. 5:16).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Heavenly LORD and Loving Father, I glorify You alone for Your Divine presence in me, through Your Word who lives in me by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within and around me, making me a vessel of authority to ask You whatever I need, in the Majestic Name provided in Your Son, and receiving it for my good and Your eternal glory,
From John 15:7-8
Therefore, while one walks in the Spirit, man's obedience to God's Commandments glorifies the LORD, making the follower* favored to bear fruits that last,* through the sustaining blessing of our Heavenly Father's Gift making every effort done by the person, to encourage praises to Him by all who acknowledge God's Divine presence in their lives and openly radiate the Love received (Matt. 5:16).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Heavenly LORD and Loving Father, I glorify You alone for Your Divine presence in me, through Your Word who lives in me by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within and around me, making me a vessel of authority to ask You whatever I need, in the Majestic Name provided in Your Son, and receiving it for my good and Your eternal glory,
From John 15:7-8
Monday, November 4, 2024
Living by the Word of God, the only source of everlasting Life, being pruned of sin and obedient to His Commandments, shows His Faithfulness through those who are holy Christians and blessed branches of the True Vine, both physically and spiritually productive in all our endeavors, generating profitable fruits bearing new seed, and being willing to continue the growth of God's Kingdom, in His Vineyard (Deut. 28:1-14, John 1:1-4). Our sufficiency is from the LORD, in Christ Jesus, in whom our faith rests, abiding in the True Vine, who keeps us revitalized to constantly bear fruits of the Spirit, which are needed for the conversion and discipling of souls, to produce more Laborers for the glorious harvest (2 Cor. 3:2-6, Gal. 5:22-23).
Besides, being rooted and grounded in love for God through our selfless sacrifice in His service shows that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, through the gift of the Holy Spirit revealed in our daily activities - for, without the Father's Word forming us and filling our lives with His presence, we would be nothing and nothing else can keep us fruitful for God's glory, since, "all things were made through Him" (John 1:3, Gen. 2:7, Eph. 3:14-17).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for abiding in me and keeping me sustained as a branch alive in You, the True Vine, which makes me fruitful as I spread the Good News of Salvation where sent and equip people for service in Your vineyard;
From John 15:4-5
Besides, being rooted and grounded in love for God through our selfless sacrifice in His service shows that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, through the gift of the Holy Spirit revealed in our daily activities - for, without the Father's Word forming us and filling our lives with His presence, we would be nothing and nothing else can keep us fruitful for God's glory, since, "all things were made through Him" (John 1:3, Gen. 2:7, Eph. 3:14-17).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for abiding in me and keeping me sustained as a branch alive in You, the True Vine, which makes me fruitful as I spread the Good News of Salvation where sent and equip people for service in Your vineyard;
From John 15:4-5
Friday, November 1, 2024
Receiving God's Word spoken by Jesus Christ, by faith, and walking obediently in the Spirit according to His teachings lovingly given by the Father for our Salvation, makes us Followers of Christ, made clean from all filthiness brought on by sin, which the Accuser of Brethren holds against Sons of Men. Faithful Christians are already cleansed by the Truth which they know and live in the Spirit for, as reflections of Christ on Earth; still, what's needed is to be pruned by the Word of the Father in parts which impede others, washing feet so that those served may remain separated in the Church from unbelievers and empowered by the LORD to overcome every deception and lust of the flesh which the devil initiated to distract humans from their service to God, who need not be tried by others (1 Cor. 5:8-13, John 13:10 & 17:17).
Moreover, as Heirs of the Father, our hope of eternity in Christ Jesus keeps us purified as we live for Him, glorifying His Name on Earth so we remain untouched by the forces of wickedness which defile humankind but shine brighter in the darkness (Ps. 105:14-15, 1 John 3:2-3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for the cleansing I received through Your Word, who constantly purifies my soul as I meditate on it daily. Please, keep me strengthened in every way, to spread Your Word: reaching out to all who need cleansing by the Word declared over their lives, so that hearts may be purified and hands cleansed for Your service, in Jesus' Name,
From John 15:3
Moreover, as Heirs of the Father, our hope of eternity in Christ Jesus keeps us purified as we live for Him, glorifying His Name on Earth so we remain untouched by the forces of wickedness which defile humankind but shine brighter in the darkness (Ps. 105:14-15, 1 John 3:2-3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for the cleansing I received through Your Word, who constantly purifies my soul as I meditate on it daily. Please, keep me strengthened in every way, to spread Your Word: reaching out to all who need cleansing by the Word declared over their lives, so that hearts may be purified and hands cleansed for Your service, in Jesus' Name,
From John 15:3
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