Thursday, November 7, 2024


The presence of the Joy of the LORD in Christ Jesus in every Christian who worships God in Spirit and Truth makes the Faithful joyful as they remain graciously nourished by the abundance of His Love poured out in the Spirit. God's Word is the source of everybody's joy, as long as his or her faith remains anchored to Jesus Christ, expressed through constant prayer with thanksgiving, meditation on "what is true, pure, lovely, admirable, right, worthy of praise..." and the willingness to live by the Spirit, given to understand and hope in the Holy Scriptures (1 John 1:4, Rom. 12:12, Phil. 4:8).
Also, as we receive the Word of the LORD by faith, graced with the fullness of His presence through the Holy Spirit in us, we are sure that whatever we ask in Jesus' Name, will be granted without fail, filling us with the Joy of the LORD and renewing our strength to testify of His mighty works in our lives (Neh. 8:10, John 16:24).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-gracious Father, for Your Word has filled me up with the Joy that lasts forever and strengthened my faith in You as I live for Christ who Supernaturally sustains me, always keeping me rejoicing as I experience the manifestation of Your awesome instruction moving in my life,

From John 15:11

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...