Thursday, January 30, 2025


Our faithfulness and commitment to do His will, as Heirs of the Father, bearing fruits that remain for the growth of God's advancing Kingdom, keeps us graciously preserved for the fulfillment of His Word that never fails but abides forever (Jos. 21:45, Luke 1:37). We might go through afflictions, pains, or difficult times while serving the LORD; still, we should see them as trials of faith, knowing that our Heavenly Father will surely deliver us from all troubles and shame to remain protected for His glory for eternity with Jesus who is the Covenant Keeping God (Deut. 7:9, Ps. 34:19-20).
So, we should not relent in our service to the one who is Faithful and True, no matter what comes our way, for our Heavenly Father intended to, is, and will always be with us to fulfill His promises in our lives by His Spirit, without fail.

PRAYER: Thank You, Ever-loving Father and Gracious I AM that I AM, for creating me to live in the fulfillment of Your everlasting Word, who keeps me safe from harm as one chosen and preserved for Your glory on Earth. Please continue to protect and sustain me as I live to fulfill my calling in Christ: transforming the mindsets of men as they receive the Good News of Salvation, which I proclaim in Jesus' Name,

From John 19:36-37

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...