Wednesday, January 22, 2025


The Righteous in Christ Jesus is ever safe in the Hands of God who never forsakes His own, for He delivers His Faithful One from the snare of evildoers (Ps. 94:12-14). Yet, it's only when the LORD allows His vessels to go through trials to prove their faith, that the workers of wickedness feel in command, knowing they have no right to touch the Children of God without His permission (Job 1:9-12, Luke 22:53, John 7:30).
Moreover, all power and authority belongs to our Heavenly Father, who gives His chosen vessels of leadership the grace to exercise force on Earth (John 3:27, Rom. 13:1). Still, anyone who deceitfully delivers the Just to an oppressive counsel to persecute and defame him, trying to stop the maturity of fruits that remain on a branch for God's advancing Kingdom, is only placing himself in danger of God's judgment by committing a greater sin than the Judge or wicked counsel.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father and Protector, for I'm safe in Your Hands, being sheltered by Your Grace and Love to glorify Your Name on Earth as Your Word abides in me and I in Him. Please, keep me strengthened so that I will remain victorious over every challenge of persecution that comes my way,

From John 19:11

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...