Friday, January 3, 2025


Praying for all converts - and not only those we are discipling to disciple in the Way - to remain strengthened in faith and united with the Father, in Jesus' Name, is part of our responsibility as Ministers of Good News to the whole world, for many are still ignorantly away from the Body of Christ; so our Calling is to bring them, through constant, intercessory prayers and evangelism, into the fold, where we are one flock having one Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ who laid His life down for many, in accordance with the Law, Songs and Prophets of God (Matt. 24:14, John 10:14-16, Rom. 12:5). Christians are called in one hope, faith, and baptism to embrace one God and Father of all Believers, through His Word; as we pray for His Brethren and our Sisters, physically far and near, we are also praying for the unity and growth of the Church, on the only solid foundation (Eph. 4:3-6).
So, let's remain willing to bring all who are far from the presence of the LORD, into the fold of Jesus through discipleship so that more souls may become one with Christ just as we are mercifully in Him who is one with the Father, forever.

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me united in the Body of Christ and favored by the Holy Spirit to intercede in prayers for all who have faith in the Word. Please continue to touch the hearts of all who confess Your Name to seek Your presence in another and stay united with You, loving one and all, as we have been greatly forgiven and loved, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:20-21

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...