Thursday, March 13, 2025


As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is wholeheartedly received; still, being committed to our Calling with a steadfast heart, makes us deserving to be among Christ's chosen, commissioned to boldly declare the Truth as anointed vessels ministering in His Holy Name (Acts 15:22). Knowing, "many are called, but few are chosen," and, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few," should make us realize that we need to stay dedicated in prayer to the owner of the harvest to send out workers and persist in being zealous to the end concerning our Calling in Christ, gathering souls to see their Salvation and remaining worthy to be in His presence with the elect (Matt. 9:37-38 & 22:14).
Moreover, every little effort made towards the continuous growth of God's advancing Kingdom, counts and good workers will receive a Divine reward from the LORD in due time, so you should always remain steadfast, knowing God is watching you and He will never fail to "reward each person according to what to they have done" (Rom. 2:6).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for leading me this far and favoring me with the edifying position you have arranged for me in Your Church. Please keep me strengthened and willing to do even more so I may continue to grow from glory to glory as a precious vessel in Your Holy Hands; in Jesus' Name,

From Acts 1:21-23

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As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is whole...