Showing posts with label Conduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conduct. Show all posts


Out of primordial mud, people have been selected solely for the purpose of glorifying God as vessels of His Love by declaring the testimony of His Word, which is the will of the Father; every Christian needs to do it diligently, from the depth of their hearts, even until their last breath and the whole world gets to hear and see the Good News (John 4:34 & 17:3-4)! So, let's endeavor to work relentlessly right now, while it's "daytime," as chosen channels of light, proclaiming life-everlasting through the Word, now that we are strengthened in the Spirit to live for Christ, our Lord; for, time is short for mortals, yet we must never waste it but keep safe from stumbling as we abide in the Word of the Lord who forever remains a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, even on the Last Day (Prov. 3:23, Psalm 119:105, John 11:9-10 & 12:35, Rev. 21:23-25). 
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for choosing, calling, and commissioning me as a vessel ordained for your service, advancing Your Kingdom while I'm alive within the Body of Christ. Please, keep me able and motivated to reach out to all who need Salvation, so that as long as I live on Earth, I may never stop bearing fruit that remains.

From John 9:4


The true and Divine purpose of our existence on Earth as humans, created in the image and likeness of Elohim, is simply to honor the LORD our Creator with every bit of our being and might, having been satisfied with the hope of glory to be shared with Christ for eternity in Heaven, without any intention of seeking earthly acclaim or gains (Deut. 6:23, Prov. 3:7-9, John 5:41). Still, by giving glory to the Son and Word of God, Jesus Christ, the Father is likewise honored because they are one (John 1:1-3 & 14, 10:30).
Moreover, exalting the Name of the LORD Most High and not ourselves while worshipping Him in Truth and in the Spirit, elevates the Righteousness of God, Jesus Christ who revered the One who sent Him, making His vessels of honor to be upheld as the Father decides to glorify the Son of Man before the World, as well as those he's been given (John 3:35, 7:18 & 18:9). Praising God takes away every form of pride and selfishness from our thoughts and tongue so that we may not fall; rather, the LORD keeps His Faithful Children uplifted (Prov. 16:18-19, Matt. 23:12, Phil. 2:5-8)
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD; I ascribe to You all the power, glory, greatness, victory and majesty, for only my God deserves all the praise both in Heaven and on Earth; the Kingdom belongs to You, blessed be Your Holy Name (1 Chron. 29:11)!
Please, continue to keep me close as I humble myself to honor You always, in the Spirit as Your beloved Child,

From John 8:49-50


Being attentive to God's Word, meditating on and abiding by it faithfully, with the fervent desire to please Him affirms that those who trust in what is unseen yet, truly acknowledge Him as the Good Shepherd, our LORD, and Creator (Ps. 23). God's presence has ever been with His people, signifying the acceptance of all faithful Christians as Heirs of His Kingdom; yet, by refusing to believe the Gospel and ignoring His voice, the stiff-necked, like goats are kept away from His Grace, favor, and Divine guidance by their pride and hard-heartedness, showing they are not formed by the Holy Father, nor will they be filled (John 10:26-27, Rom. 6:1-2).
Also, as God's living letters, chosen to proclaim His Good News to all, everyone who is of the LORD receives us and the testimony which we declare, realizing its Divine impact on their spiritual growth and physical development, while the deliberate refusal of God's Word is a mistake which only makes a man to be spotted as a vessel of the wicked one (1 John 4:6)
PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Gracious Father, for the free gift of Your Word has transformed me from a stubborn sinner; please protect your Church to stand apart from deafening crowds, even as I harken to tantalizing teachings in humility and lovingly abide by the Truth as a vessel of Your Divine Will, commissioned to communicate the Good News of Your marvelous works for the Salvation of more souls, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 8:47


The Truth, God's Word, which brings light to all who linger in darkness and offers hope to the hopeless, can only be understood when we diligently listen with humility to receive the message into tender hearts with a fervent desire to know the reason for which He came from the Father of Lights but give no room for empty conversation conceived by satan to turn the eyes of men to his minions' messes across the fallen world, and from the LORD. Masquerading as if coming from a messenger of light instead of a man-slayer, self-initiated, loveless speech blindfolds one from acknowledging the Truth, even when it's been served on a platter of gold; yet, the Power of Truth shared in love, always overcomes bad news, known as lies, restoring order in due time (2 Cor. 11:14).
Moreover, believing and receiving Divine direction delivers Christians from every deception hatched by the devil and intended to be carried out by his own, who briefly bow to the liar as their father because of the temporal pleasure and comfort they lust for (1 John 3:8). This keeps the Righteous in Christ on high with a greater goal, supernaturally above distracted offspring of darkness, having been graced with Divine understanding, gained through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who has been granted to stay within Believers (Ps. 27:4).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit which gives me an accurate understanding of Your Word through whom I am redeemed as I listen attentively to His message spoken through Your vessels, abide by the Truth to overcome the desires of the Adversary, and live in Your righteousness forever,

From John 8:43-44


Those who tell the Good News are united with our Heavenly Father through His Son and Word, Jesus Christ, who has been graciously sent as a revelation of His Love, for the redemption of mankind (1 John 4:14-16). Personal faith in God's only begotten, Jesus as the Messiah of our souls, pleases the Father; yet our willingness to receive Him in Love and suffer with Him for a short time, being re-born of the Spirit to live for Him, repurposes us as ambassadors of Christ and dear Children of God, adopted to share in His glory (John 16:22, Rom. 8:16-17, Heb. 11:6, 1 John 5:1).
Although, this keeps Christians separated from the lusts of the world and the deception of the devil, having been sent by the LORD to proclaim His Word with power lovingly to all, those who seek earthly pleasures to satisfy their greed and pride, end up rejecting the Source of good things and us, for the one who comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, aligning themselves with the Accuser (James 1:17-18, John 5:42-43 & 10:10).
PRAYER: Thank You Heavenly Father, for accepting me, as I am willing to receive Your Word lovingly into my heart, which keeps me forever redeemed - living as a co-heir with Jesus Christ, Your Son, in whom my faith rests. Please send me to Your lost Children and surround me with family in Christ, so that I might have more opportunities to show them love and receive it visibly,

From John 8:42


Our faith in the Word of God, Jesus Christ, shown as dedication to obey Him from the depth of our hearts, without the intention of harming another, makes us Christians, Friends, and Children of God with circumcised hearts to live as blessed Sons and Daughters of Abraham on Earth and Spiritually preserved Heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven (John 15:15, Gal. 3:7-9 & 29, James 2:21-23).
So, as our Father Abraham who is known as the Father of many nations, relentlessly lived in obedience to the Word of God, we should endeavor to do the same or even better, for we are graciously endowed with the gift of the Holy Spirit to do even greater works than Jesus, justified by our faith as ambassadors of Christ, the promised Seed (Gen. 17:4, John 14:2).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for by Your Word and redeeming blood, I am circumcised by God to live as a co-heir with You, favored with the inheritance of Abraham on Earth and that received in Heaven where my soul will graciously remain, by faith in Your Holy Name,
Amen (Deut. 30:6).

From John 8:39-41


The true qualities identifying disciples of Christ are made manifest through faithfulness to His Words and full submission to His teachings, as those willing to both hear & obey enjoy living according to His exemplary character, which reveals the Love of the Father to all (John 14:15). Even after being born-again into the Body of Christ as priests and citizens of God's Kingdom, meditating on and abiding by the instruction of God's Word strengthens our union with the LORD through the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, who keeps us active in effectively revealing His Love to every nation, tribe, and race (John 14:23, Rev. 5:9 & 10)
Furthermore, our willingness to remain committed to our Calling in Christ, indicates the love of God in us and appreciation for the redemption of our souls, which keeps our spirit in union with the Holy Spirit, as true disciples of Jesus Christ, favored to live out the fulfillment of God's Divine will on Earth.
PRAYER: Thank You, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for strengthening our love, keeping me abiding in Your Word and understanding Your teachings through the Holy Spirit in whom, as Your disciple, I'm enabled to stop sinning against You  but made active to proclaim the Gospel in praise of Your glorious and marvelous Name,

From John 8:31


As ministering vessels of the Holy Spirit, who speak to the World and edify the Body of Christ for the Salvation of souls, we only proclaim that which the inspired Word of God reveals, being inspired exclusively to declare the Truth of God to men willing to welcome Him for the transformation of their mindsets (John 3:32 & 33). It is possible to do so with few details because we are not of our own but the hand-made instruments of our Heavenly Father, assigned to glorify His Holy name throughout the Earth so that those lacking the understanding of the LORD may come to know Him above all (John 7:28 & 29).
Furthermore, being in communion with the Spirit of God and called a friend of His Word, Jesus Christ, we are made wise to everything needed for spiritual development and also equipped to convert and disciple more souls so that His unchanging Love may be seen and felt through us - His commissioned, yet still fragile vessels (John 15:15).
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for making me a mouthpiece glorifying Your Holy Name while speaking the Truth to the World, able to bring many to the realization of Your existence as the only True God and Ever-Loving Father who accepts any who, in humility, repent and receive Jesus,

From John 8:26


We are unique, set apart from the sons of men, as faithful Christians and Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus our LORD; for our characters, guided by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and shown by the words of our mouths, tamed by God, astonish others at the manifestation of the Almighty in our lives (Matt. 13:54). This gives rise to more testimonies coming from persecutors of our faith, as well as those who have a personal encounter with us, His chosen vessels, who are favored by men (Luke 4:22).
Although, doubts may arise from those rejecting the Truth, still the unique character of a true Child of God being, not of the world but Divinely endowed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, as Sons and Daughters of His Kingdom, advancing with Good News, "will be proclaimed in the whole earth, for a testimony to all the nations; and then the end will come (Matt. 24:14)."
PRAYER: Thank You in LORD Jesus' Name, Ever-Gracious Father, for making me uniquely special with the gift of the Holy Spirit, through faith in Your Firstborn Son in whose authority I'm made courageous to proclaim Your Salvation; may the redemption of souls come through Your Word, sharp in the mouth you made to bring Life,

From John 7:46


As Royal Priests chosen by the LORD for His glory and the fulfillment of our Divine mandate on Earth, advancing His Kingdom, we are ordained by Christ for greater than it seems and empowered by the Holy Spirit to always judge honestly and without favoritism so that we may correctly receive the Father's Love and reveal Jesus to great and small (Deut. 1:16-17). This makes those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness wisest amongst men, having been filled with Divine Wisdom, exercising true justice declared by Christ who lives in us (Prov. 24:23, John 8:15-16).
Moreover, while exercising our faith in the LORD, the Church must not encourage more respect for some than others, based on appearance; rather, it stands with the Truth, God's Word and the sword of the Spirit, granting justice to the Righteous and pure in heart (James 2:1-13)
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for calling and choosing me as a priest ordained to judge by the Spirit and not the flesh, so I may proclaim Your Love with fairness. Please help me to use discernment and continue to keep my mind focused on Your Heavenly Kingdom where my treasures lie, so that I may not be influenced by fading appearances, yet declare Your Truth and rejoice in Your Righteousness, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 7:24


To live and abide in God's Word, doing His will by advancing His Kingdom and bearing fruits for His glory, as His Faithfuls, one needs to know Christ, revealed as the Word and Son of the Father, our Creator (John 1:1-3 & 14). Desiring His will to be done keeps us meditating on the Holy Scriptures constantly, which grows our faith and love for Him, even as we remain humble to receive the guidance of His teachings, by the Spirit who makes known His Covenant so that we may serve Him in Truth, with all our strength and might (Psalm 25:9 & 14, Prov. 3:32).
Also, listening attentively to His Word, through His ministering vessels declaring Him in Love, is necessary for a better understanding of the Good News which we've read and are still experiencing, being vessels of His good will on Earth (John 8:43). This helps in living for Christ as ambassadors of God's Kingdom, being His Bride, chosen and adorned for His Divine pleasure, prepared for His second coming, which could be any time now.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the knowledge of Your Word, which makes me desire more of You each day, even as the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, whom You've bestowed upon me, gives a better understanding in order to live in Your Righteousness, in Christ Jesus,

From John 7:17


We are expected to be submissive to every governing authority, be it that of our Parents, Church Elders, State or Country we belong to and dwell in; still, without placing God first, one lives in fear of such authorities (Prov. 1:7, 3:5-8, Matt. 6:33, Rom. 13:1-7). Living in fear of men and not confessing Christ nor abiding by the Truth keeps a man far from God's presence, for a true Christian declares the Truth to all when the need arises (John 9:18-22, 12:42).
However, as we relentlessly stand by the Truth while we respect the instituted authorities, we will remain strengthened to be of service to Emmanuel, God With Us, ignoring the fear of men, solely to live in the Righteousness of God, upheld by Christ Jesus (John 19:38-42, Is. 41:10).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting me the grace to serve You in Truth and with a sound mind in the Spirit, overcoming the fear of every authority standing against my faith in You. Please, continue to strengthen me as an Overcomer triumphing over every oppression of the Wicked One while I live to serve You with all my strength and might,

From John 7:13


Knowing that Jesus Christ is coming very soon to reward everyone according to their works, we should realize that "there is a time for every purpose under Heaven (Rev. 22:12 & Ecc. 3:1)." Now that we are alive in Christ as Heirs of the Holy Father, our time is always ready to live and work for the growth of God's Kingdom while we relentlessly bear more fruits for His glory. Even as the Lamb sits at the right hand of the Father, ruling over the Heavens and the Earth, with all power and authority in His hands, we must acknowledge that we only have a limited time to live for Him as Christians fulfilling the Father's will by converting and discipling souls for God's Kingdom come (Rev. 7:17 & Matt: 6:10). Those around us may die today and have to face judgment alone because they did not receive the Good News of all Jesus has done for us according to the will of our Father, YHWH.
Having been commissioned to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation for the redemption of souls who need deliverance from the bondage of sin and powers of darkness, always being focused on this and determined to do all we need to do today, following Jesus, keeps us ready. So, let's remain steadfast in our selfless service to the LORD, for now is the right time and we will always be readily prepared for Christ's second coming, the timing of which no one can truly tell (Matt. 24:36).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for graciously granting me the opportunity to live for Christ now that I'm on the surface of the Earth. Please, continue to keep me ready and preserved for Your service and glorious coming, as a branch prepared to bear fruit from the True Vine,

From John 7:6


Functional faith in God's Word, Jesus Christ, living in obedience to His teachings from the depth of our hearts, makes us vessels of His glorious works, who declare His goodwill on Earth, even as we abide by Him and He is the source of Love in us (1 Thess. 1:3, 1 John 4:16). Our faith in Jesus as the Son of God whom He sent, is made perfect as we work steadfastly, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation to every human soul, discipling all nations for His glorious service, and loving His Church; for faith without actions is dead (James 2:22 & 26).
Moreover, as Overcomers in Christ, we are called to live and actively work in the Righteousness of God, Emmanuel, as vessels of the Holy Spirit, so that many may receive the Revelation of God's Word and our Love, which never ends but will redeem souls from shame and eternal condemnation, even as minds are already being transformed (John 3:23, 1 Cor. 13:8, Rev. 2:26).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for I am redeemed by faith in Christ Jesus, Your Son; as I live and work obediently according to Your will and commandments which He taught, I am sure I will remain highly favored as a vessel of Your Love on Earth. Please, continue to preserve me as a vessel of Your Divine will and marvelous works, so that more souls may believe and receive Salvation through Your awesome wonders revealed in my life, in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 6:28-29


Our Divine calling and identity as Christians make us the head and not the tail, being above and never below, solely to bring the sons of men to the realization of Truth and Righteousness in Christ Jesus; the only Way leading every faithful believer to everlasting life in the bosom of the Father (Deut. 28:13, John 3:16 & 14:6). Even when others try to influence us as a result of the manifestation of God's Grace, Power, and Anointing on us, to be used for their selfish interests, we should always resist it so that the purpose of our existence as ambassadors of Christ, advancing God's Kingdom, may be fulfilled because we are not of this world but called by our Heavenly Father (Matt. 4:8-11, John 18:36).
Although they may be persistent to puff us up, we mustn't submit to their pressure; rather, we should endeavor to keep ourselves from being swayed by wrong influence and be more focused on our eternal inheritance, seeking guidance from the LORD by affirming and meditating on His Word while we remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, concentrated on the coming of the King of kings (Joshua 1:7-8, Matt. 6:19, Daniel 7:13-14).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Grace, Power, and Glory in my life through Your Word, which makes me a vessel of Your Divine will. Please, help me to remain focused on eternity and determined to follow Your calling so that I may always be separate from worldly influence, in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 6:15


The Love of the Father in Christ Jesus, keeps us united with the LORD through the Holy Spirit who testifies that we are Sons and Daughters of God, as we remain in communion with Him (Romans 8:16-17). Even in times of need or distress, we derive peace from being In His will, and not from seeking our fleshly desires for a moment, knowing full well that we are nothing without God, who showed Jesus how to live, humbly and as a sinless Standard; yet, as we seek His Kingdom first and live in His Righteousness alone, we will never lack the sufficiency of God's grace and enjoy Divine favor (Matt. 6:33 & 26:39, John 5:19).
Moreover, we've been reborn into the Body of Christ, as Heirs of the Holy Father, solely to live in the fulfillment of His Divine will, "on Earth as it is in Heaven," being vessels of His marvelous works made manifest by the Holy Spirit (Matt 6:9-11). This supernaturally sustains us as Overcomers, fed daily with the Bread of Life and filled the Fountain of Living Water, so that we may live to the completion of our Christ's calling; converting souls and discipling them for the advancing Kingdom of our Heavenly Father who sends us (John 4:34 & 6:38).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, our Heavenly Father, for sacrificing Your Son to graciously bring me to remain in union with You, through the presence of the Holy Spirit in me. Please, help me to know Your heart and be an example of unity with You, reaching more souls for the advancement of Your Kingdom; asking all this and more than imaginable, in Jesus' name,

From John 5:30


The creation of all things was done through the declaration of God's Word, Jesus Christ, who has ever been with and in Elohim, being the source of Life and Light to all (Genesis 1, John 1:1-4 & 14). This makes Him the right One to judge all, having walked in our place as a Son of Man, and lovingly been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, by God the Father, Himself (Matt. 11:27 & 28:18, John 3:35).
Therefore, we mustn't relent in honoring Jesus Christ, the Son and Word of God, as the fullness of the Godhead bodily lives in this form; for as we honor and obey Him from the depth of our hearts, accepting His Vessels and guidance, we are also honoring the LORD, our Creator, for He and the Father are one, and Jesus lives in we who love and confess Him (Luke 10:16, John 14:20, Col. 2:9 & 1 John 2:23).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, for there is none like You. Blessed be Your Holy Name, for You deserve all the Praise, Honor and Glory as the one True God, forevermore,

From John 5:22-23


Every true and faithful Christian, being an ambassador of Christ, commissioned to advance God's Kingdom among your people, hungers to find lost souls; as we are bringing them into the Body of Christ through the declaration of the Gospel and discipleship, we receive Divine satisfaction which nourishes our souls and Joy strengthens our spirits to live again, as fruitful branches in the True Vine (Matt. 28:19-20, Luke 19:10, John 15:5).
We even treasure God's Word more than the food that nourishes our flesh, for the Bread of Life keeps us sustained and equipped to do the Father's will - gratefully trusting in His Son unto holiness and loving one another - as the mindsets of men are being renewed to receive Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of souls by His Grace, who is also the Prince pioneering and perfecting our faith (1 Th. 5:18, 1 John 3:23, Heb. 10:10 & 12:2). 
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for nourishing my soul, and strengthening my spirit to live for Your Glory, which keeps me equipped to advance Your Kingdom - converting souls and discipling them to be of service in Your Vineyard that we would each remain safe for eternity, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 4:34


In worshipping the LORD, our Heavenly Father and Creator of all things, we need to spend time daily abiding with His Word, the Revelation of Truth, alive in the Spirit - which declares the true existence of Him, as The Supernatural Bread and Supreme Being to bless and glorify (Matthew 6:11, Rev. 5:12). Communing with God, faithfully in the Spirit, reveals true worship, and keeps us in right-standing with Him, even as we do it with Love from the depth of our hearts, but not after man-made traditions and doctrines created through emotional manipulation, solely to proclaim justification of one's self-righteousness.
Therefore, hearts being gracefully circumcized in the Spirit, as Christians living by the Truth of God's Word, we shouldn't allow the traditions of worldly men to serve as a guide to worship God who is jealous for humble worshipers, because enforcement of legalistic bondage also brings about diversions from true worship (John 1:17, Phil. 3:3 & 8-9). Rather, we should always be free from the flesh to worship our Heavenly Father according to the teachings exemplified in Christ and His disciples, with everything good He has provided us, so that we may continuously dwell in His Holy presence, which gives peace to our souls for eternity (2 Cor. 3:17).
PRAYER: LORD, I bless Your Name, Christ Jesus, for bringing me to the realization of how worthy You Are, through Your Word, who unites me with You in the Spirit, forever! Please, keep me strengthened in Your Vineyard, to reach out to more souls and bring them to the realization of true worship,

From John 4:23-24


The Light of God, Jesus Christ, exposes the true nature of every man; for no matter how well an evil deed is being kept secret from others, the Truth always prevails, in due time, taking away every form of darkness and deceptive force positioned against that which is right before the LORD. As a result of his wandering away from the path of righteousness in Christ Jesus, walking contrary to the will of God, one may feel intimidated by the Truth, exposed in God's Light, and react hatefully; yet, when he meets Love and returns in repentance, He will be forgiven and healed by the LORD, our Merciful and Ever-Loving Father who never forsakes those who are humble to pray and seek Him (2 Chronicles 7:14, Job 24:13).
However, Children of Light "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them," through Divine discernment and Christ's manifestation which subdues every power of the wicked coming against His Faithfuls (Ephesians 5:11-13). Even when, for merely shining in a dark world, we are hated, Jesus shared fellowship by going ahead and allowing Himself to be murdered for an excellent cause (John 15:18-19). So, we should always abide by the Truth - walking in the Light of God, which reveals our right standing with Him, as ambassadors of Christ, and every one of our endeavors will clear the way to bear more fruit that remains, for God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, our Gracious Father, for the example of Your Holy Son, keeping me humble to abide in the Light of Your Word, who has redeemed me from darkness so that I may remain a vessel of Your glorious work - revealing the Truth of the Gospel for the Salvation of souls in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:20


Listening and meditating on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, helps us realize the Truth, set apart from facts and fiction, making everyone who...