Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts


The Revelation of God, Jesus Christ - Our Blessed Redeemer, brought forth Grace and Truth, "so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life," with all who believe and receive Him as Lord and Saviour (John 1:14, Romans 5:21). Having been redeemed by grace, sin shall not have dominion over us; for we are no longer under legalism, but under God's Grace, which keeps us from the curse (Romans 6:14).
Moreover, eternity with the Father is rest assured, as we've been redeemed by His Grace in Christ Jesus; the Way, Truth, and Life. For, He bears witness of Truth; by His Grace, we are made free from sin and eternal condemnation to be victorious, in right relationship with the Source, and freely love others (John 8:32, 14:6 & 18:37).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Gracious and Everloving Father, for establishing the New Covenant through Your Word, Jesus Christ, who reveals the Truth  of Your Divine and eternal Salvation for mankind in  Himself, making  me gracefully accepted into Your Kingdom - having received Him as my Lord and Savior,

From John 1:17


The fullness of God, Jesus Christ, revealing Truth, Love, and abundant Favor, fills everyone who accepts Him by faith, as we live in obedience to our Christ's calling - changing the mindsets of men to the realization of God's love which surpasses knowledge, that they may receive Him, and be satisfied with His fullness, who redeems souls from sin and eternal condemnation (Ephesians 1:23 & 3:19).
Moreover, "it pleases the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell" and as we abide in Him and He in us, we will remain gracefully complete in Him who is the Head over all principalities and powers, making us more than conquerors, but also "His Delight is in Her" as a beautiful crown (Isa. 62 & Colossians 2:9-10).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Ever-loving and Gracious Father, for Your greatest gift in my life, through Your Word, who fills me up to remain Strengthened and complete as an Overcomer - gracefully endowed with the fullness of your Holy presence,

From John 1:16


Believing and receiving God's Word, Jesus, being saved through faith to begin living the eternal life of Christ and doing our Holy Father's will lovingly, makes us sovereign Sons and Daughters of God (Galatians 3:6). Existing as new creations and Heirs of the Father, born of water and the Spirit through baptism - testifying that we are dead to the flesh yet alive in the Spirit as God's Children, we are separated from the carnality of men, but renewed to live by the Spirit, and empowered to bear fruits that remain for the advancement of God's Kingdom (John 3:5, Galatians 6:15).
Also, "having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the Word of God which lives and abides forever," we are gracefully blessed with the Divine assurance of eternity with the LORD, because; "of His own will He brought us forth by the Word of Truth, that we might be a kind of first-fruits of His creatures" (James 1:18, 1 Peter 1:23).
PRAYER: Thank you, Abba Father, for by Your Word, whom I believe and received by faith, you made me an Heir of Your Kingdom - generously endowed to testify of Your Word to all, for the Salvation of souls in Jesus' gracious name;

From John 1:12-13


As Heirs of the Father and earthen vessels of "the True Light, which gives light to every man coming into the world," we are commissioned to bear witness to Jesus Christ, that all who walk in darkness, dwelling in the shadow of death, may experience God's glorious presence, which reveals His Love and gives new life to all who receive Him wholeheartedly (Isaiah 9:2). Even so, Christ Jesus who, manifested through the Holy Spirit, dwells in us, made vessels of His mercy to the world and filled to restore and preserve souls with the revelation of the Truth, solely for the advancement of His Kingdom (Isaiah 49:6).
Furthermore, our identity in Jesus as witnesses who reveal the Truth to all, shouldn't be compromised; for through our Christ's-calling, we are destined to make known the joy of eternity spent with His Father, even as the kingdom of darkness remains subdued by the True Light in us.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father and Glorious LORD, for Your Light in me, Jesus Christ - Your eternal Word which
keeps me alive, to bear witness to Your Love - revealing the Truth of Your Kingdom. Please keep me from letting others make more of myself, than of You, and pour out the same anointing on many others in a vibrant way, so the kingdom of darkness may remain overcomed in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 1:8-9


Just as John the Baptist came as a lamp burning and shining before the birth of Jesus Christ and during the Bridegroom's lifetime, we faithful Christians and Children of God have also been commissioned to bear witness of His glorious Light in our new lives, testifying of the Truth, before His second coming in Glory and Majesty, that more souls may receive Him and our Joy be fulfilled, as labourers in the LORD'S Vineyard (John 3:28-29 & 5:33-35). 
Being dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit, we need not call attention to ourselves, nor seek praises from men; rather, we should remain devoted to our Christ's calling - giving God all the glory, while we continuously bear more fruits that remain for His Kingdom.
Furthermore, declaring the Gospel as witnesses of the Truth and Light of God, should be done in love, that hearts may be opened to see Jesus Christ - the Light of God, who leads everyone who receives Him to the Father, as the Way, the Truth and Life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, Eternal Father, for redeeming me from the kingdom of darkness to become a witness of Your Divine and glorious Light, which reveals the Truth and subdues the forces of darkness, for my good and for the World to know God's Salvation;

From John 1:6-7


The ascension of Jesus Christ, being raised up to Heaven in a cloud, affirms His authority over all things in Heaven and on Earth (Daniel 7:13-14, Ephesians 1:20-22, Philippians 2:9-11). Having been lifted high to sit at the right hand of God, the Almighty Father, has made Him the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, ruling over the Church as its head, while all principalities and powers remain subject to His Divine authority (Ephesians 1:22-23, 1 Peter 3:22).
Therefore, inspired by His wondrous and marvelous works in our lives, our faithful actions reveal our submission in humility. We as members of His body, endlessly worship Him in Truth and the Spirit; placing Him first, as the Highest Authority in all our endeavors.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Jesus Christ, as my head above, for making me a member of Your body. I am submitting to Your Divine Authority while I worship You, as my Lord and Savior, from the depth of my heart.
Blessed be Your Holy Name;

From Luke 24:50-53


Though, the first Apostles were special witnesses of the sufferings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for they experienced the same personally; yet, as we've been baptized with the Holy Spirit - being gracefully gifted with Heavenly Wisdom to understand God's glorious Word, we've become witnesses of the Truth, ordained by the Prince of Peace to advance God's Kingdom by proclaiming the Good News of Salvation to all, no matter the cost to ourselves (Acts 1:8). This is our Christ's calling in which we are identified as Heirs of the Father, and friends, testifying of His unconditional love for us, even as we endlessly bear more fruits that remain, for His glory.
Therefore, as witnesses of Jesus, who laid down His life to take it up again, let's not relent in our selfless service; reaching out to all nations, making disciples, and teaching them with the knowledge of God's Word, to obey Jesus' instructions, "baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit," by whom we've been commissioned to do so, for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Matthew 28:19-20).
PRAYER: Thank you gracious LORD, and Ever-loving Father, for Calling and making me a witness of Your Divine Word, through the Holy Spirit, that I may always testify of Your Good News, for the Salvation of souls, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 24:48


The Divine presence of Christ in us through the Holy Spirit, who testifies that we are Sons and Daughters of God, opens our understanding, that we may know the True God, who gives eternal life through the knowledge of His Word, written on the tablets of our hearts (1 John 5:20). This brings us closer to the LORD, as Heirs of the Father - graced with Divine Wisdom to disciple others along the path of righteousness, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, let's remain abiding in God's Word, and we will never lack the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which opens our understanding - revealing the deep things of God needed to live brightly for His glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for the knowledge of Your Word which reveals the Truth and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit which gives me a Divine understand of my Christ's identity as Your chosen vessel - called to proclaim the Gospel in Your Holy Name;

From Luke 24:45


The Life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfills the Law, Prophets, and Psalms, even as He establishes the New Covenant, graced with love, for God's Salvation of everyone who believes and receives Him into their hearts, by faith. Also, the testimony of Christ's resurrection gives every repentant soul who confesses Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, the power to remain united with Him, as co-heirs of God's Kingdom.
Therefore, let's move on from the fading glory of the Old Covenant Moses engraved, which brought death to the disobedient, with greater glory; embracing the New Covenant in Christ Jesus, who graciously brings eternal life to all, so that His love in us, which attracts souls solely for His Kingdom, may be revealed as a Light to all who dwell in darkness - paving the way to Salvation for the redemption of more souls, to the glory of Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for the fulfillment of Your Word in my life, which makes me fruitful in Your Kingdom, as I proclaim the Gospel for Your Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 24:44


The Divine presence Christ in our lives; restores our souls, and uplifts our spirits - revealing the Love of God to all for the Salvation of souls. Even then, it terrifies unbelievers, and all who are weak in faith; because they have never really experience God's Divine peace, which keeps our hope and faith alive as Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus.
Furthermore, as we are experiencing God's peace in Christ Jesus - the Prince of Peace, through the comfort of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are also gracefully blessed with the Divine assurance of eternity with the Father, while we live to the fulfilment of our Christ's Calling - bearing fruits that remains for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Wonder-working Father, for Your Divine presence in my life, through Christ who lives in me - grants me the supernatural experience of the wonders of Your Love as brethren with Him;

From Luke 24:36-37


God's Word, the Bread of Life - Jesus Christ, is a Lamp to our feet and a Light to our path - revealing the Truth to all who are fed by Him (Psalm 119:105). He opens our spiritual eyes, even as we abide in Him and He in us; to the realization of His glorious Word - written in the tablets of our hearts, that we may ever remain fruit bearing branches in the True Vine - advancing God's (John 15:4).
Also, the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit in us; gives us the Wisdom needed to acknowledge His eternal presence in our lives, that we may remain gracefully comforted as Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Ominipresent Father, for you've never left me nor forsake me; rather your presence in my life has kept me comforted in Your bossom, in Your Holy Name,

From Luke 24:30-31


The omnipresence of God in Christ Jesus,  is ever with us His Faithfuls, who worship Him in truth and in the Spirit - meditating and affirming His glorious Word; even as we live by it. This is certain, for "the eyes of the LORD are on the Righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry" (Psalm 34:15).
Furthermore,  as we remain united in Christ Jesus, His Divine presence abides with us, as the Good Shepherd who never forsake His own; yet, He protects and direct His flocks, that they may not go astray, but remain in a right standing with God.(Matthew 18:20, John 10:11).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Ominipresent Father, for you are always with me, through the Holy Spirit who abides in me  - revealing Your Divine presence in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 24:14-16


All who truly repent from the depth of their hearts, confessing Jesus Christ, as  Lord and Savior - the Redeemer of every repentant soul; has been gracefully blessed with the Divine Assurance of God's forgiveness, and acceptance into His Heavenly Kingdom; where the saints are dwelling. So; as Christians, dwelling in the body of Christ - the Church, and the congregation of the saints, we have the Divine Assurance of eternity in God's Kingdom as co-heirs with Christ.
Therefore, let's not relent in sharing the Good News of Salvation to all, even as we endlessly bear more fruits for God's Kingdom; bringing souls to the realization of their Christ's identity, and the importance of living to the fulfilment of their Christ's Calling, that they may come into repentance - receiving Jesus Christ, into their hearts, while we disciple them for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting me the Divine assurance of eternity in Your Kingdom; where the saints are dwelling in the comfort of Your glorious presence,

From Luke 23:42-43


As faithful Christians living in the righteousness of God our ransom, Jesus Christ, we will always remain vindicated over every accusation of the wicked, coming from the kingdom of darkness; even as we endlessly proclaim His Gospel for the Salvation of souls from the Grave. This is established by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, which cleanses us from all our guilt and stains, as He is without a single spot deserving of death (1 John 1:7-9).
Therefore, we should always remain faithful and courageous, even in trials; for, every accusation formed against us, and brought before a Judge, only to hinder the fulfillment of our Christ's Calling, or divert our attention from the actualization of our Christ's identity, will definitely be overruled for God's glory, in Jesus' name!
PRAYER: Dear LORD, our Blessed Redeemer - the Vindicator of the Righteous, thank you, for I am safe in Your hands, and every accusation of the wicked is termed null and void, in Jesus' Name;

From Luke 23:14-15


God's Word never fails, and every good thing He has spoken to us through prophetic revelations - revealed by His anointed vessels, as well as, in our personal dreams and visions; will surely be accomplished for our good, in due time (Joshua 21:45). This is because, the Word of the LORD is a convenant, and it shall not return to Him void, but it shall accomplish what He please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11).
Moreover, the Law and the teachings of the Prophets - established as the Old Convenant, was fulfilled by the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; who poured out His soul unto death, even as He was numbered with the transgressors; Still, He bore our sins and made intercession for all who believe and receive Him for the redemption of their souls (Isaiah 53:12). So, let's continue to live by His Word; written in the tablets of our hearts as true ambassadors of Christ - proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Thank you LORD, for Your Word in my life is accomplished; through Christ who lives in me, that Your purpose for my life may ever remain established for Your glory,

From Luke 22:37


Being a chosen generation, a royal priesthood; called to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, to all; we've been bestowed with the Kingdom - having been commissioned in different positions of edification to lead nations to Christ, discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Matthew 24:47, Ephesians 4:11-12, 1Peter 2:8). Still, as we remain steadfast in trying times; we will always have dominion over the earth, subduing the efforts of the wicked as Sons and Daughters of God (Psalm 49:14).
Furthermore, having been gracefully granted God's Kingdom on Earth; the Church - which is the Body of Christ, to seek, and lead more souls to the LORD; by discipling them with the teachings of Christ, and baptizing them in the name of the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - we shouldn't relent in our steadfastness, even in trials, that we may be deserving of "the Crown of Life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him" (Matthew 28:19-20, James 1:12).
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for gracefully granting us Your Kingdom on Earth; from within our hearts, through the Church - the Body of Christ, that we may continuously advance Your Kingdom; doing Your will on Earth as it is in Heaven, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 22:28-30


Jesus Christ; the Passover Lamb, whose death and resurection, fulfills the Law and the teachings of the Prophets, leading to the establishment of the Church - the Body of Christ, and God's Kingdom on Earth; reveals the New Convenant for the Salvation of souls. So, we all; His chosen generation and consecrated vessels, are commissioned to share the Good News for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
Furthermore, the Divine presence of Christ is ever with the Church, as it's Head - uniting every single brick together, that no gate of hell can ever prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). He feeds and strengthens us all by Himself; through His Word - the Bread of Life and the Fruits of the Spirit, which keeps us fit for His service, even as He dines with us; keeping us in communion with Him, while we are granted Divine access to Father through His presence in us.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for establishing your Kingdom in our hearts - revealed on Earth as the Church, for the communion of Brethren in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 22:16-18


The knowledge of God's Kingdom, Jesus Christ established, has been made known to all, from the days of John the Baptist; revealed in the love of the Messiah and permanently proven with the gift of the Holy Spirit upon everyone who believes and confesses Jesus as their Lord and Savior, even as we continuously serve Him in Truth and in the Spirit. This makes many, who are seeking for breakthrough, Divine restoration, and complete freedom from the captivity of sin, death, and darkness, willing to receive Christ: the only Way that leads to eternal life!
Furthermore, as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of God's Salvation in the Christ, who said we would do greater works than Himself, for all who are in dire need of His redeeming Grace, this will make more souls willingly press into God's Kingdom, which is not brought through reading the Prophets nor obeying the Law, but the revelation of the perfect Son we personally believe has come, and is coming again.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for making me a vessel to declare your Good News to all nations, that more souls may continue to press forward into your Kingdom with dedicated hearts and devoted spirits, in your Holy name;

From Luke 16:16


Our Divine values as faithful Christians, powerfully attract souls for Christ; revealing the Love and Light of God in us, to all who need Salvation, that they may experience the passion and compassion of Christ, who lives in us. This makes us necessary as salt to the world; seasoning and preserving the lives of men by discipling them through the path of righteousness, and bringing the knowledge of Salvation to their understanding, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who abides in us, as vessels of God's glorious works.
Therefore, let's not be blown away, but hold fast to our Christ's Calling by living His love out, undiluted by culture, that we may continuously bring hope to the hopeless; even as we flavor lives with the proclamation of the Gospel, we are Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live for God's glory, that our Christian values may remain eternally sustained by Grace, through Christ our Lord.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you, Heavenly Father, for assigning me as salt to the world; seasoning lives, for the Salvation of souls, even as you've been strengthening me through your Word, that I may never lose my value, yet remain sustained by Grace, to fulfill my purpose in life, everlasting;

From Luke 14:34-35


As faithful Christians, we are precious to the LORD, the True Vine-dresser, nurtured by His Word, Jesus Christ, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to live for His glory as ambassadors of Christ and Heirs of His Kingdom. This makes us uniquely different from the sons of men, as Sons of God, living to fulfill the Father's will in Christ Jesus, the Righteousness of God; figuratively, our filthy clothes removed, this is the clean turban given to the high priest, and the breastplate worn by New Testament believers.
Furthermore, being brethren with Christ as born-again Children of God, we needn't relent in our faithfulness to the LORD; we should remain steadfast, declaring His Good News to all, for the Salvation of souls and the advancement of God's Kingdom, that His Divine Love and Glory may continue to reflect the presence of Jesus Christ, "the Light of the World," whom no power of darkness can withstand. As we grow brighter, many seeking for deliverance, restoration and breakthrough, might see the Omnipresent God, and be drawn to Him, in humility, for the Salvation of their souls, in Christ Jesus, whose Love is revealed through us, as fishers of men.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives has made us precious and uniquely different, free from all defilement, being Holy to the LORD, as vessels of His glory in the finished work of Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:27


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...