No man or creation which ever existed, is now, nor will ever exist, can be greater than Jesus Christ, the Great-Teacher and the only begotten of God.
Yet, as true and faithful Christians, we are required to be like Him; as Sons of God, we go sharing the knowledge of the gospel with all, and living for Christ, by working according to His statutes, that the will of God and the purpose of our calling as born-again Christians and heirs of the Father be established, for the advancement of God's Kingdom, and the fulfillment of His good-will on Earth.
 PRAYER: Dear LORD and gracious Father, thank you for accepting us as your own, in the body of Christ, and granting us the grace to live for Your Son as brethren, doing your Divine will, by advancing your Kingdom and bearing more fruits for your Glory, in Christ Jesus.


Once, all children of Adam were hiding, condemned after disobedience. He and his wife, were offered a covering.
As the Lamb of God is believed upon, we should be loving and never relent in compassionately offering Grace to everyone who we are sent to. Every action that comes from our hearts, reveals who we are; new, in Christ Jesus.
By judging, condemning, or refusing to greatly forgive others, you are only creating boundaries that can obstruct your communion with the Holy Spirit; so, endeavor to avoid holding onto accusations, so that you may not grieve Him, yet remain in right standing with God; worthy to be in His bright presence.
 PRAYER: Merciful and Ever-loving Father, thank you for giving us loving and compassionate hearts, filled with the desire to willingly live for your glory; judging no one unfairly, yet showing love to all, which makes us worthy to come before your presence through the divine grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
May your Name forevermore be glorified.


As true Christians, our character must remain uniquely different from the sons of men; this is because of having received with thanksgiving of Jesus' invisible Spirit, yet seen by all as favored Sons of God, doing the will of our Holy Father, glorifying Him, from the depths of our hearts, not striving for the praises of men, that we may receive a divine reward; being named worthy to dwell among the saints, as citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom.
Moreover, this is done by loving God and manifesting mercy to all, neglecting no one; for, the LORD brings rain and sunshine to both the just and unjust, wicked and righteous.
So, as we show loving-kindness to all, we are portraying the true nature of the Sons of God.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making us worthy as Christians through your Son, Jesus Christ, to live for your glory, even as we portray the true nature of Christ, by likewise being loving, compassionate, and merciful to all.
O LORD, be Thou exalted, forevermore.


Endeavor to always be fair in your words and actions towards others, that you may live a life worthy of Christ, by offending no one, yet living peacefully with all; for, "with what measure you mete, it will be measured to you," and everyone will surely receive the reward of their actions, in due time.
The LORD is a just God who shows great mercy to all, yet renders judgment against the lazy, who reluctantly refuses to repent, but instead constantly practices acts of wickedness.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your divine presence in our lives as Christians, unique in character and words of the mouth, from the depth of the heart, which makes us capable of advancing your Kingdom, even as we live for your glory.


Always be Joyous, and never relent in giving to all who ask from you, when today, you have extra to share with them.
Also, you need not worry about those who, once the situation is brought to light, refuse to return that which they've taken from you forcibly or deceitfully because a cheerful giver never lacks; yet, those who embezzle his goods or take advantage of His goodwill will surely pay for their deceptive acts, someday.
The LORD is a just God, who rewards every man according to his works; J'rah, LORD God who sees hearts believing in His Son who took on sin, for us to have Right-standing before our Holy Father.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for your love and compassion towards all, and the grace given to us as Christians, to share with others out of the abundance of your love, favor, and provisions, which makes us remain graciously blessed as Sons of Abraham who was promised Isaac.
May your name be glorified forevermore.


The love you show to those who oppress you, even in difficult times, reveals the presence of God in your life and the unique character of a true Christian.
Therefore, you should always be patient, enduring challenges by tolerating and overcoming them through the love of the Father in you. This way, anyone still used by the devil to oppress you, might feel the divine touch of God's love and resist the destructive influence of the devil on his life, which leads to the advancement of God's Kingdom.
 PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for the love shown to all though your Son Jesus Christ, who obediently gave His life for all, even when He was being persecuted and oppressed by the sons of men; He still fulfilled the Father's will in love.
Blessed be your Holy Name.


The love of the Father has uniquely endowed us with forgiving hearts and enduring spirits, as true Christians, having no grudge against another. Yet, it's our calling and divine responsibility to pray for all who oppress us, even in the midst of pain, that the LORD may forgive, touch and make them tender to realize where they might have fallen, and tender to receive Christ into their lives, for the Salvation of their souls.
Moreover, cursing them is not an option, but as you show them love, even through pain, this either allows room for God's curse on those who curse you, or the Light in you might make them realize their mistakes later in life, which will definitely lead these people to God's Salvation before taking a last breath.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and ever loving Father, thank you for your presence in our lives, through your Son Jesus Christ, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which has made us with uniquely forgiving hearts and enduring spirits, to live without carrying a grudge towards another of His children.
Yeshuah, may your Name be praised, forevermore.


Listening and meditating on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, helps us realize the Truth, set apart from facts and fiction, making everyone who...