The revelation of God's Word and teachings, written as Holy Scriptures, announced through the Prophets and constantly declared by His vessels of mercy, brings the lost to Christ - His Son who is the revelation of Himself to all of mankind. Where once we were dying in ignorance, this gives eternal peace to our souls, having been instructed and blessed with a Divine understanding and promise from the Holy Spirit, to intimately know the one needed for the Salvation of our souls (Hosea 4:6 & Isaiah 54:13).
Therefore, knowing God's Word, graced with His Divine Wisdom while we remain abiding in Him and His Spirit in us, many seeking Salvation and total redemption from sin and the captivity of the Wicked, may come to us, ambassadors of Christ, so that they can receive the teachings of God, declared in Love by His Word who lives in us, making us living witnesses to testify of His Divine will on Earth before it's end (Micah 4:2, Acts 1:8 & Matt. 24:14). Already, the Church is growing daily and the faith of many in a Holy God is being renewed as they are kept together in the body of Christ through discipleship along the Way (Micah 4:2).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for bringing me to your presence where there is Joy and Divine peace, through the revelation of Your Word manifested in my life. Please keep me strengthened both spiritually and physically, able to carry my cross, forgiving those who don't know and reach out to more thirsty souls who need Your Word to be revealed so they might come into Your presence for the Salvation of their souls in Christ Jesus, Your Son;

From John 6:45


Our Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I Am, has created and provided all it takes for humankind to be drawn to He who dwells in Him - Jesus Christ, God's only-begotten - through the revelation of His Word and Love, sent to die in the place of sinners; yet only when one faithfully receives the True Gospel of Salvation into his own heart by choice, will he be raised by Jesus Christ - the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who brings those called friends, to the Father (John 3:16, 14:6-10 & 15:13).
Furthermore, as the LORD manifests Himself through His Son and works in His chosen vessels to bring the sons of men to repentance for the Salvation of souls, our willingness to receive Him makes us acceptable as citizens worthy of His Heavenly Kingdom, received by His welcoming embrace while the Host of Heaven rejoices for our redemption and reunion with the Father by clinging to the ascended Christ, His Son and our Bridegroom for eternity (Song of Sol. 1:4, Phil. 2:13).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for bringing me closer to Your Son through the revelation of Your Word, Jesus Christ whom I proclaim, so that by the end, those who listen may also be attracted, persuaded, and saved by Grace through faith in Your Only-begotten Son;

From John 6:44


It has always been the LORD'S will that all He has bestowed upon us, both spiritually and naturally, should remain fruitful, as we faithfully live and abide by His Word, which keeps us Divinely blessed and abundantly favored; lacking nothing, we still have enough leftover to share with all in need, for His glory (Joshua 1:8, John 15:4 & 7). Being vessels of His glorious and marvelous works on Earth, saved by grace through the redeeming Life's Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ in whom our faith lies and having a Divine encounter with Him in the Spirit, we are destined to be raised with Him on the last day (John 10:28).
Although, some might fall away from the path of Truth and Righteousness; yet, all who come before the LORD in repentance, humbly seeking His face with faith in the One sent, will always remain safe in His merciful hands as Overcomers, protected from the snare of the wicked one, having been freely justified by believing in Christ Jesus, to live with Him for eternity, fulfilling the will of our Heavenly Father (2 Chron. 7:14, John 17:12, Gal. 2:16, Eph. 2:8-9).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for making me a vessel of Your Divine will on Earth, destined to remain fruitful but losing nothing that might come alive in the Spirit, for by Your grace I am rest assured of eternity in Your Kingdom; in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 6:39-40


Just as Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son and Word of God, came to fulfill the will of our Heavenly Father by accomplishing the plan of Salvation for all mankind, we being joint heirs with Him, graciously saved, also have been commissioned with the Divine destiny of advancing God's Kingdom: seeking for lost souls, baptising, discipling and instructing them in the Way, to the glory of God (Matt. 26:39 & 28:19-20, John 3:16-17). This is our Christ's calling in which we are identified anew as Heirs of the Father and ambassadors of the Kingdom; for we can do nothing of our own except that which has been permitted by the LORD for our good and for His glory as faithful Christians (John 5:30).
Therefore, we shouldn't relent in living the exemplary life of Christ, faithfully doing God's will, and continuously sharing the Good News in all sincerity, so that we may remain accepted as vessels of His finished work on Earth at the Last Day (John 4:34, Rom. 10:14-15).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for making me a vessel of Your Divine will on Earth, destined to advance Your Kingdom as an ambassador of Your Love towards all. Please, keep me strengthened and led by the Holy Spirit in all you've commissioned me to do, as Your Beloved, submitted and Divinely destined to remain fruitful for Your glorious Kingdom.

From John 6:38


Being God's creation, wonderfully made and perfected for His glory, as Christians we've been called and given by the Father as Brides adorned for the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, the only begotten of God, to be united with Him by faith for the redemption of our souls, through His precious Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary before Resurrection. "If we died with Him, we will also live with Him," so as we harken to the Word of God, receiving Him by faith through the Scriptures and His ministering vessels, we will remain Divinely united with the Father as joint heirs with Christ - our Blessed Redeemer (John 6:45 & 2 Tim. 2:11-13).
Also, by remaining focused and determined, upholding our faith in Christ alone, eternal life is assured; for the Creator, our Heavenly Father is the Omnipotent God whom no one, no power, nor authority can subdue and as we've been united in the Body of Christ by the LORD, no one is allowed to separate that which God has joined for His glory (Joshua 1:7, Matt. 19:6, John 10:18 & 28-29).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for making me Yours by faith, through giving Your Son in whom I'm cleansed and redeemed by His precious and Holy Blood, even as I am united with Him in the Spirit as a Bride Divinely embraced, alive in His hands for eternity. Please help me to lay down my life and take up a new one, following your perfect example as it is displayed in me, to a dying world,

From John 6:36-37


There is nothing sustaining Christians and faithful Children of God, both Divinely and eternally, other than the Word our Heavenly Father sent, Jesus Christ - the Bread and Water of Life - for, He keeps us supernaturally and effectively equipped through the Holy Spirit, solely to declare His love, as vessels of His glorious works on Earth (John 6:48 & 58). Just as Jesus did while He was on Earth as the Son of Man, we should never stop crying out for souls in need of eternal sustenance and inviting them to eat and drink from the same Food and Water of Life which keeps us spiritually alive and strengthened, as the source of His abundant love, lasting for eternity (John 4:14 & 7:37-38).
Furthermore, we should bring to the realization of all whom we are inviting into the Body of Christ, even as we disciple them, that it requires faithfulness, full submission, and self-sacrificial living, being Divinely sustained with no cause to worry; for the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ who protects, provides, and lightens all our burdens, gracefully has given us everlasting Joy and Peace, which surpasses all understanding (Isa. 55:1-2, Revelation 7:16-17).
PRAYER: Thank You, Eternal and Gracious Father, for Your Word in my mouth keeps me Divinely sustained as a vessel springing forth with Your Living Water and sharing Your supersubstantial Bread, broken for the Salvation of souls. Please continue to lead me to all whom I need to disciple, so that they too may become eternally sustained, for Your glory; in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 6:35


The Son of God made flesh, Jesus the Christ is the Bread of Life given by the Father to satisfy and nourish all who are spiritually hungry for God's Salvation to mankind (John 3:13 & 6:53-58). Being favored with the presence of the Holy One and choosing to abide in Him, makes us both spiritually strengthened and physically blessed, living on the surface of the Earth to testify of The Word, which advances God's Kingdom and bears fruit that remains, for His glory.
Furthermore, as we receive and keep on believing in Him who satisfies us, wholeheartedly - the mouthwatering Bread of Life, whom we endlessly offer to share in love, we have a blessed assurance of eternity in Heaven together, as Heirs of the Father (John 3:16).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for supplying more than enough of Your supersubstantial Bread, received as Your Word into my heart, which strengthens my spirit, even as He fills my soul, so that my body may efficiently serve as a vessel ordained to advance Your Kingdom, sharing the Good News of Salvation, while I remain Divinely preserved as an Heir of Your Kingdom; in Jesus' name,

From John 6:32-33


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...