The revelation of God's Word and teachings, written as Holy Scriptures, announced through the Prophets and constantly declared by His vessels of mercy, brings the lost to Christ - His Son who is the revelation of Himself to all of mankind. Where once we were dying in ignorance, this gives eternal peace to our souls, having been instructed and blessed with a Divine understanding and promise from the Holy Spirit, to intimately know the one needed for the Salvation of our souls (Hosea 4:6 & Isaiah 54:13).
Therefore, knowing God's Word, graced with His Divine Wisdom while we remain abiding in Him and His Spirit in us, many seeking Salvation and total redemption from sin and the captivity of the Wicked, may come to us, ambassadors of Christ, so that they can receive the teachings of God, declared in Love by His Word who lives in us, making us living witnesses to testify of His Divine will on Earth before it's end (Micah 4:2, Acts 1:8 & Matt. 24:14). Already, the Church is growing daily and the faith of many in a Holy God is being renewed as they are kept together in the body of Christ through discipleship along the Way (Micah 4:2).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for bringing me to your presence where there is Joy and Divine peace, through the revelation of Your Word manifested in my life. Please keep me strengthened both spiritually and physically, able to carry my cross, forgiving those who don't know and reach out to more thirsty souls who need Your Word to be revealed so they might come into Your presence for the Salvation of their souls in Christ Jesus, Your Son;

From John 6:45

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