Always make use of every opportunity you have to serve and glorify the LORD and never allow negative circumstances to pull you down or weaken your faith and dedication for His service.
Knowing within yourself that negative circumstances are usually used by the devil to distract a man from his dedication and commitment towards his faithful service to the LORD, yet this should only be taken as a period of trail meant to strengthen your faith and improve your dedication in His service, that you may always stand firm as an overcomer in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making us vessels of your glorious service, strengthened as overcomers in Christ Jesus and blessed with the comfort of the Holy Spirit to withstand and defeat every barrier that stands in our way of salvation and eternity in your heavenly kingdom.
LORD may your name be praised forevermore amen.


The words of God is the sword of the Spirit that pierces through the heart of men, making everyman to realize where he has fallen and how close he is to the LORD.
Furthermore, it reveals the thoughts of our hearts through the reactions we display during and after it is proclaimed to our hearing and this will definitely prove who we are in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, whenever you read or listen to the words of God, you should always endeavor to receive it as a multivatiion to strengthen your faith in Christ Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you, that you may realize where you have fallen, make amends and focus your attention in pleasing Him as a faithful child of God.

PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for the revelation of your Word which piece into our hearts, revealing the truth, even as it helps us in realizing where we have fallen through the Holy Spirit, which makes us comes into repentance, seeking your face in humility that our purpose in life as christians may remain established in Christ Jesus your Son amen.


The Word of God who became flesh and dwell amongst us as Jesus Christ, the only begotten of God and savior of all men, is a blessing to the humble in heart who receives and confess Him as his Lord and personal savior, redeeming him from the bondage of sin and death, for this places him in a position of grace and glory in the presence of God.
Although, many still fall as a result of their arrogance, not willing to receive Him in their hearts, holding onto their pride because of their lustful and worldly desires which brings them down spiritually.
Therefore, receive Christ into your heart today and you will surely rise to a position of grace and glory in the body of Christ, being blessed with the assurance of eternity with the LORD.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD for uplifting us to the position of grace and glory through your Son Jesus Christ, making us to understand and identify our purpose in life as christians, living the life of Christ and advancing your kingdom on earth.
LORD be thou glorified forevermore amen.


The revelation of God's words are marvelous in the eyes of men and it's sometimes shocking to those who are weak in faith and they that are far away from Him in the Spirit.
Yet it  brings forth hope to all, making us to reaffirm that He is always with us as caring and loving Father who never forsake His own, abiding with us always.
So, anyone who desires to enjoy the benefits of His divine grace and remain the vessel of His marvelous works should never relent in his faithful service towards God.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your marvelous works in our lives and the revelation of your divine assurance, which gives us hope and strengthens our faith in Christ Jesus, helping us to identify our purpose in life as vessels of your divine will on earth.
LORD may your name be glorified forevermore amen.


Jesus Christ the righteousness of God, the one who brought hope to all is also the salvation of the LORD given to the world, that all who believe and receive Him as the Son of God will be redeemed from the bondage of sin and death.
Therefore, I ask you to receive Him into your life by repenting from all your sinful ways, even as you confess Him as Lord and savior before everyone, that you may be redeemed as sons and daughters of God, dwelling in His divine grace and blessed with eternal live in Christ Jesus.
Also, this will surely help you in identifying your purpose in life as you grow in wisdom through the Holy Spirit, even as you constantly meditate and affirm His words in your heart, bringing it into virtualization through your character and ways of life, that you may be fruitful doing the will of the Father which is in heaven, advancing His kingdom on earth as ambassadors of Christ.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you LORD for granting us the grace to receive your salvation in Christ Jesus, which as being helping us to identify and understand our purpose in life as christians, living the life of Christ as a fruit bearing branch in the True Vine, advancing your kingdom on earth.
May your name be glorified forevermore in Jesus Christ name amen.


 At the fullfilment of God's promises and prophecies in our lives, divine peace which is beyond human understanding is restored from within our hearts, bringing forth joy to our souls which we express through our actions.

Also, the testimonies we proclaim as a result of the fullfilment of His words, strengthens the faith of others and bears more fruits for God's kingdom as they become seeds of faith sown in the hearts of men.
Therefore, keep on testifying of the fullfilment of God's words in your life, through the words of your mouth and your ways of life and you will continue to fullfil your purpose on earth as a fruitful branch in the True Vine.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making us a fruit bearing branch in the True Vine, bearing more fruits for your kingdom, through the testimonies of your goodwill and the fullfilment of your words which we proclaim in Christ Jesus your Son amen.


 Before a man dies the knowledge of the gospel will surely get to his reach, revealing the truth to him, that he might realize where he has fallen, repent from all is wrong doings and seek for salvation in Christ Jesus.

Moreover, as the truth is being revealed to us through the gospel, it's our personal decision to receive it or not, because salvation is necessary for our eternity with God the Father, yet it's not to be forcibly imposed on anyone, since it has to do with faith and sincerity.

Therefore, I request that you seek for salvation in Christ Jesus, repent of your sins and confess Him as Lord and Savior, for He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Him.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD for your World which dwells in our hearts, revealing the truth through the Holy Spirit, granting us the divine grace to overcome sin and death as the redeemed in Christ Jesus your Son amen.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...