Being born again, not by our own strength, but by receiving Christ through the knowledge of the Gospel of Salvation, is just the beginning of the victorious race; for there is always a battle between Good and evil, for humankind. Yet, as new creatures, Christians have been empowered by the Holy Spirit with the full armor of God, as long as we remain faithfully dedicated to our Christ Calling, taking on the life of Christ by doing all we can to remain fruitful and worthy, for His glory; advancing His Kingdom through the proclaimation of the Good News, as it's Stewards.
Furthermore, striving with love and true dedication to our Christ Calling, brings us closer to our Abba, through the Holy Spirit, by whom we are being empowered with Grace to live by faith in Christ alone; we are struggling daily, seeking for the lost souls, even as we remain equipped to destroy every stronghold of the wicked, and still remain fit for eternity with the Holy Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So, we should not relent in walking out our faithful service to God, yet remain determined to go straight through the Son Himself, the narrow door, as triumphant vessels of God's glorious works.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Ever-gracious Father; we praise Your name for the redemption of our souls. Please, continue to keep us Strengthened for your glorious works, even as we endlessly strive to enter through the narrow gate as Overcomers in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 13:24


Being fruitful in God's Kingdom, requires that His expectant Bride keeps sharing in Love, with everyone listening, the knowledge of His Salvation, which we have received by faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, that many who are still ignorant of the Gospel, might be saved from the All-Consuming Fire; for faith comes by hearing God's Word (Romans 10:17). This can be done through evangelism; taking the Good News to every inbox and doorstep, proclaiming Truth in love, that it might be accommodating to souls who walk in flesh, even as it is being received into their hearts, for the Holy Spirit to leaven.
This also helps, both with the growth of the Church, and our faith, drawing us closer to the Father, through His Spirit who lives in us, building us together, for the edification of the Gospel, even as we are being sustained by His grace through Christ, our Lord. So, let's continue to do all we can, to aid the spread of the Good News of YHWH's Salvation, that through us being labourers in the Lord's Vineyard, the Kingdom of God will continue to receive more souls, for God's glory in Christ Jesus. 
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your glorious Word in my life, which keeps me safe, living the life Christ, in Jesus' Holy name, spreading the Good News of Salvation. We long for fellowship with all souls who may be redeemed, for the growth of your Kingdom come;

From Luke 13:20-21


The Kingdom reign of Christ, is established in the hearts of all who are in full submission to God's will, by faith in Christ Jesus; first as a tiny Mustard seed, which later becomes a mighty Tree, accommodating and sheltering souls seeking for Salvation, and by discipling them to keep bearing fruits that remain, for God's glory. This advances the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the purpose of Christ's Calling, and the evidence of our faith, planted in us through the Word of God, for the Salvation of souls, who dwell in the Most High.
Moreover, the Great Commission given to us, as Disciples of Christ, is not only to convert souls for God's Kingdom; rather, we should also endeavor to continue discipling them, as they share the Kingdom of Heaven with others, by teaching them to observe the statutes of Christ compassionately to all, in Love, that they may also become vessels of honor (Matthew 28:19-20).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD Jesus Christ, for establishing your Kingdom to reign in my heart, by faith in your Word of Truth, that I may continue to gain eternity as a living sacrifice, worthy of your glorious works, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 13:18-19


God's miraculous works, through His chosen and ordained vessels, are mostly instantaneous; Our Healer is changing lives, and redeeming souls for His glory. This confirms both the Messenger and the Good News of Salvation which he proclaims, because the breakthrough, restoration and Salvation attained is made permanently perfect by the LORD, and seen by both the Faithfuls and witnessed by unbelievers, as a testimony of His greatness, love, and compassion for all.
However, every instantaneous miracle takes place only when we are closer to the Father, through the Son, Jesus Christ, and having communion with the Holy Spirit, by whom the miracle is made manifest, for our good, to the glory of God, that the Truth may be revealed in love as the Light of God to all. He is confirming redeeming grace as life, to all who believe in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. So, let's continue moving closer to the LORD, by constantly meditating on His Word, as His chosen vessels, that the gift of the Holy Spirit in us will remain manifest in our lives, even as we endlessly proclaim the gospel of Salvation to all, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Heavenly Father, thank you for making me a vessel of your glorious works, assigned to declare the Truth of the Gospel, touching and changing lives miraculously, for the Salvation of souls;

From Luke 13:12-13


Every Christian needs to be faithfully active by working and living in God's Word, not just by meditating and affirming it to oneself alone; still, we have to continuously move ahead, taking the knowledge of the gospel of Christ to the reach of all, searching through the sea and fields, fishing and seeking for souls who need redemption, that we may remain spiritually and faithfully active, bearing fruits that remain, for God's glory, in Christ Jesus. Gaining souls for Christ and nurturing them develops our Faith, making it to grow, even as we become more fruitful in the Lord's Vineyard; converting souls, and discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
So, let's not relent in our faithful service to the LORD, even as we work in love, to remain fruitful for His glory, being readily prepared for the final harvest, as labourers in His Vineyard, waiting patiently for the Master's coming.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for nurishing me in your Vineyard, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to reach more souls, bearing fruits that remains for your glory in Jesus' mighty name;

From Luke 13:6-9


Though every sin invites punishment, causing divine separation between man and God (Mark 15:34); not being in communion with the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 59:2) leads to spiritual death as a result of one falling short of God's glory (Romans 3:23, 6:23.) Men may realize where they might have fallen, and in faith, must come into repentance before it's too late. Punishment may come in the form of calamities in order to rebuke or reprimand anyone who sinned, yet has no remorse or will of repentance, even so,  not every calamity is a sign of God's punishment for pervasive sin.
Therefore, we mustn't suppose every calamity to be the wrath or judgement of God for one's sins, for it could be a test of faith, causing us to give thanks for life's blessings; rather we should continue to faithfully live a repentant life, in the Way of Christ Jesus, being free from guilt and defilement, that we may remain triumphantly victorious over every trial or temptation we come across in life, as "more than conquerors," in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for granting us the grace, through faith in mighty Christ Jesus, to overcome sin; being free from your wrath, and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to remain triumphantly victorious over every tribulation, forever together with Your Son;

From Luke 13:2-5


Always endeavor to live peaceably with all, and never relent in reconciling with anyone whom you've offended, before it's too late, that you may be found innocent before God and men. Also, you shouldn't be hasty in taking your case before a worldly judge nor start any argument, but extend favor, that you might not be found guilty before the law (Proverbs 25:8). Jesus didn't fight with any human, but while we were still sinners, gave His life up.
Moreover, living generously with one another, and making the effort now, brings about progress, as a result of the bond of love and unity. So, let's endeavor to encourage peaceful co-existence among ourselves, for it's always pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1-3).
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jehovah shalom; the God of peace, thank you for the Spirit of reconciliation, by which our ears are restored through hearing your Word, Jesus Christ, in the stillness, this day, that we may continue to live peaceably with all in Jesus' Holy name, forever;

From Luke 12:56-57


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...