Though our body is the Temple of God, yet only when we receive Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior - abiding in Him, and He in us, then we will be completely cleansed from all guilt and filthiness which defiles a man; keeping him away from the presence of God.
Moreover, the Divine presence of Christ in our lives, keeps us solely for the LORD; being filled with the Holy Spirit, to remain a Temple - consecrated for His good will, revealing His love for the Salvation of souls. So, let's keep ourselves preserved for the LORD, that His glory which attracts souls to Himself may be revealed in us, as His chosen vessels.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for cleansing me with your precious blood, even as you establish your Divine presence, through the Holy Spirit within me, as a Temple refined for your glorious works.

From Luke 19:45


The Divine knowledge of God's Word in the flesh, Jesus Christ, brings complete peace to our souls; for our eternity is rest-assured in Heaven above, where the saints dwell. This is manifest through our constant meditation on God's Word, affirming our faith, even while our spirits remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, who gives Divine Wisdom to understand the ways of the LORD, hidden from mortal eyes, yet revealed to all who worship Him in Truth and in the Spirit.
Furthermore, the Divine Prince of Peace has come, and by receiving the Word into our hearts, we are equipped through the challenge of living out His revelations, so that we may always live from a place of prosperity, even in times of trials and temptations, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus, as the conditions arise for Jerusalem to accept their Messiah as one murdered, without being darkened by the prince of this world and their pride.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father for the knowledge of Your Word in my life, gracing Your people with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit; granting true peace to fill my life and hope to my soul, as an Heir of your Kingdom, may You rule forever,

From Luke 19:42


t's our calling and purpose of existence, as Christians and wonderful Creations of God, to praise, worship, and glorify His name with all of our strength and might, giving no room for distraction, yet keeping our spirits illuminated for Him, and our souls focused on advancing His Kingdom, that our joy may be full.
Moreover, refusing to glorify the name of the LORD, in every situation, or trying to stop the Truth from going forth, can never silence the magnificence of His glory; rather, Jesus defends His disciples with all power, and more vessels will be raised for the exaltation of His Holy name. There is not one stone that doesn't bring glory to its Creator, Who always was the same as He is, and will remain. So, let's continue glorifying the name of the LORD Who Saves, exalting Him in all our endeavors, as ambassadors of Christ, that we may eternally remain vessels of His Divine will.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, my Blessed Redeemer, and the Restorer of my soul, be exalted above all the Heavens; let your glory be above all the Earth, for there is none Holy as you, LORD!

From Luke 19:39-40


Being vessels of the LORD, and living testimonies of His good will, makes us noticeable by all. His Divine Grace and anointing in our lives, inspires souls to praise and glorify the King - exalting Him for His marvelous works in our lives and through Believers, which attracts more souls to the redeeming grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the Salvation of their souls.
So, let's endeavor to remain actively useful for the LORD'S glory as true ambassadors of Christ, that we may carry on as sources of praise and gratitude which rise to our Heavenly Father.
PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus for coming in the Name of the LORD; Your Divine presence in my life has made me a vessel of your glorious works, being a source of inspiration that brings forth Joy and praises from Your Creation, amen.

From Luke 19:37-38


By rejecting God's Word, Jesus Christ, not being conformed to His will and purpose for your life, but remaining hostile to the one who proved His love by obeying the Law, people who do evil without fear of God, and encourage rebellion against a life of Love, will be in danger of its innocent Judge, with no escape from the fire which tests everyone, when the King returns (Heb. 12:29). Even though His Grace is sufficient for all, those who declare themselves enemies of Christ, giving no room for His merciful reign in their short lives, yet waging war against the proclamation of the Gospel with lies, are only rejecting the grace of eternal life, to come to light as a horror, where there is weeping, and the worm eating them is undying (Isa. 66:24, Mark 9:48).
Moreover, as we abide by God's Word, and He abides in us, sharing eternity is rest assured, with the King of Kings above, being free from condemnation and shame.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for reigning in my life, as my Lord and Savior - abiding in me, that I may continue as Your Ambassador, destined to testify of good news to all.

From Luke 19:27


Every talent, gift, and position bestowed upon us, as favors and blessings from the LORD, are meant for Jesus' acclaim. He showed the Way and makes us useful in the LORD'S Vineyard, as true Stewards of the Gospel of God's Salvation from death.
So, we all, as not only humans with breath, but Christians, equipped with the full armor of God, and given various talents, need to practice and build each other up, passionate about our pursuit for the Salvation of souls - bearing fruits that remain, for His glory.
Moreover, rejecting our Beloved Christ's Calling, or refusing to be useful for God's service - hiding gifts and talents could lead to the loss of more than what one thinks they are endowed with. Yet, as we make ourselves go forth with what we've gained, more talents and gifts will be gracefully added to our lives.
PRAYER: Heavenly LORD and Gracious Father, thank you for making me useful in your Vineyard, as a vessel of Love; may I remain equipped until the end, to advance your Kingdom in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 19:26


Being unjust, with wicked intentions towards another, makes a man speak out with pride - arrogantly, from the fullness of His own heart. This inflicts God's judgment upon him, for every word that comes out of the depth of a man's heart, either acquits or condemns him (Matthew 12:37).
Blaming others, or putting them below oneself before Judgment Day, he may be deceived into forgetting that the party who is wrong, is himself. Until he gets right with God, beginning with a holy fear of punishment actualized in His Son, he remains unfruitful, apart from the perfect will of an awesome Master, who longs to call us, Friends.
Therefore, as God's Sons and Daughters, saved by Grace through the Blood of the Lamb, which completely cleans our conscience, we should remain: humble to walk away from evil, true to our Calling in Christ Jesus, remembering the Way He obeyed His Father, and likewise proclaiming the Gospel in love freely, for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Eternal Father, the just God, thank you for granting me the Spirit of humility, by which I ask for Wisdom from above. Through the knowledge of your Word, I receive the greatest Love poured out for me to be made innocent, that I may remain faithfully committed to my Calling to love, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 19:22


God's Salvation, our Lord Jesus Christ is the revelation of His Love and God's Word made flesh for the Redemption of mankind, being ...