The Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus restores lives, by redeeming souls from the bondage of sin and death. It also reveals the truth of oneself, which makes those who are humble in spirit, come into repentance - receiving Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, for the Salvation of their souls.
Although the unrepentant soul sees the Proclaimer of the Good News as an obstruction to their false beliefs and authority. Still, as Ministers of the Gospel, we need not to relent in the purpose of our Christ's Calling, with the authority Jesus gave, rather, let's remain steadfast and courageous, for the LORD is our strength, defending the Righteous, and He will always keep us safe from what others fear.
PRAYER: O' LORD, my God, blessed be your Holy name, for I am safely kept under the shadow of your wings, to proclaim the Gospel to all, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 20:19


By falling in full submission at the feet of Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, living by His Word, graven in the Tablets of our hearts, we become broken spiritually and, shattered on the outside, given new hearts, and never condemned, because we are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1).
Moreover, by refusing to fall in humility at the cross of Jesus - as a result of pride, arrogance, and selfishness - a man inflicts God's judgment upon himself. So, let's continue on the path of Righteousness in Christ Jesus, resting on the Bedrock as the source of our strength, and we will never be scattered under a headstone, but always be Divinely favored - dwelling in His Love, Grace, and Mercy.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, thank you for being the source of my strength, for your presence refines me daily to remain fit for God's Kingdom, in your Holy name,

From Luke 20:18


The Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, rejected by many who are called, yet all who receive Him, worshipping in Truth and in the Spirit, will ever abide in the comfort of His love - being lifted by grace to the position of glory, as Heirs of the Father.
Although, the world is rejecting us based on appearances, let's continue holding on to Christ who washes hearts, and we will never stumble nor be put to shame, as chosen bricks joined to the Headstone for the growth of the Church - advancing God's Kingdom, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You for making me as a brick joined to the Chief Cornerstone, even as I remain a part of Your body, to advance Your Kingdom,

From Luke 20:17


Our stewardship as laborers in the LORD'S vineyard, is strictly for His glory. Even so, when a selfish motive is conceived and brought to actualization while in service, one's priestly authority and spiritual status could be taken away by LORD, who appoints His own.
Furthermore, selfishness in a man's life makes him deviate from the purpose of Christ's Calling, leading to the Divine replacement of his station by our Heavenly Father, whose servants' works can't be stopped; rather, by our faith in Jesus, we remain active beyond death of the body.
So, let's remain faithful and just in  rendering our service to the LORD, giving no room for lustful and selfish desires, that our souls may be well prepared for the glorious harvest, as truly humble laborers in His vineyard.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, my God, thank you for graciously placing me in a position of service in your vineyard, that there may be a great harvest of souls on the second coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord;

From Luke  20:9-16


The Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, being proclaimed by His Priests this chosen generation, can never be stopped from spreading, until it gets to all who are lacking eternal life, for the redemption of more souls, who immediately expand the Kingdom. Before the second coming of Christ, it will definitely get to the reach of all.
Moreover, being called and chosen by Christ to declare the testimony of His good will towards all, we are equipped with the full armor of God; graced by His love, and we will remain triumphantly victorious over every challenge that comes our way, as ambassadors of Christ, advancing God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, through Christ who lives in me, for granting me the grace, power and authority to be Your witness to all, even as I remain Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to overcome destruction along the way,

From Luke 19:47-48


Our Calling as Christians, is to serve and commune with the LORD, through  selfless service, prayers and - solely to the glory and praise of His Majesty.
This makes us vessels of God, and Temples of His glorious presence. Where offerings of praise, worship, and honor are being raised to the Heavens, we should not expect to profit on Earth in the flesh although we may be fed and clothed, set free and healed - straight from the throne of our God above.
Our body is the temple of God, and it shouldn't be defiled by the lustful desires for wealth, power, and riches of this present world - for they are basically vanities, which distract one's attention from the purpose of his Christ's Calling. Rather, we should always place God first in all we do, freeing our thoughts from love of vanities; instead loving others, that we may remain focused on giving glory to the name of the LORD, as His consecrated House of Prayers, together.
 PRAYER: Heavenly LORD, and Gracious Father, blessed be your Holy name! 
for your presence in my life has made me a vessel of glorious works - assigned to bring sacrifices of praise in thanksgiving, and true communion to your Throne in Christ Jesus;

 From Luke 19:46


Though our body is the Temple of God, yet only when we receive Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior - abiding in Him, and He in us, then we will be completely cleansed from all guilt and filthiness which defiles a man; keeping him away from the presence of God.
Moreover, the Divine presence of Christ in our lives, keeps us solely for the LORD; being filled with the Holy Spirit, to remain a Temple - consecrated for His good will, revealing His love for the Salvation of souls. So, let's keep ourselves preserved for the LORD, that His glory which attracts souls to Himself may be revealed in us, as His chosen vessels.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for cleansing me with your precious blood, even as you establish your Divine presence, through the Holy Spirit within me, as a Temple refined for your glorious works.

From Luke 19:45


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...