We should always be patient while we remain steadfast in God's service, and hopeful for the fulfillment of His words in our lives; for He has made us His own, and equipped us for the advancement of His Kingdom, so that we may bring joy to others as we experience the beauty of His awesome wonders and the perfection of His works, in due time (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11). Still, it's necessary to be prepared for the hour of God's manifestation, so that we may receive His abundant Grace (John 7:6 & 8). 
So, while we thirst for the manifestation of His awesome wonders, we should keep building up our faith in Christ Jesus,  through constant affirmation of His eternal Word, as if drinking the new wine of His blood, seeking time daily to meditate on His body broken for us, as if chewing on true soul food carefully, so that we may fully experience the gift of life and testify of His goodness to all, as vessels of His great and mighty works.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, Eternal Father, for Your Word is Faithful and True, giving me a blessed assurance of the glorious manifestation of Your promises in my life - in due time,

From John 2:3-4


Our humble faith in Christ Jesus, allows the Word of God to grant us more grace to Divinely experience His great and mighty works, through revelations and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in and around us - His faithfuls (Gen. 28:12). This keeps us Strengthened for greater works, taking place through us as vessels of His glory, commissioned for advancing His Kingdom on Earth, as long as we are alive.
Furthermore, we should ensure the continuous growth of our faith by constantly affirming and meditating on His Word - testifying of His great and mighty works, which also encourages others - and we will always be in communion with Him in the Spirit received, while we visualize His Words coming to fulfillment in our lives, as Heirs of God, adopted in because of Christ Jesus, who has ascended into Heaven and is coming down the same Way (Acts 1:8-11).
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus, thank You for the manifestation of Your great and marvelous works in my life, which give me a Divine experience of Your Love and continuous presence which becomes evident to all, even as I remain equipped in the Spirit for Your glory, in Your Holy Name,

From John 1:49-51


The true nature of a man can never be hidden from God, for He is Omniscient, knowing the inner thoughts of all His creation, looking through our outward characters, hidden behind like leaves. Even called as we are, His Word spoken over us, makes us mature, kindly convicting of any identity fallen from faith, while guiding all who come to the table, to partake anew of True Living Bread. As we remain dedicated to our Faithful Christ, having a pure heart to reflect Our Father's Love, we will always enjoy seeing the goodness of His abundant Grace, Love, and compassion - showering His favor on others the world does not pity (Psalm 73:1 & Hebrews 4).
Furthermore, as we live in light for the spotless Lamb, having no deceit in our hearts, we will forever remain blessed both on Earth and in Heaven with Him, where our treasures are safely kept (Psalm 32:2). So, let's never stop being honest and just in all our ways, that our true identity in Christ may be made known, even as we uphold our Christ-calling - bearing unfading fruits into God's Kingdom, which abides forever.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for revealing my true identity in Christ, by whom I've been sanctified for your Glory, that more souls may experience Your unconditional love for people everywhere, and come to repentance in Christ Jesus - Your Son,

From John 1:47-48


We experience the true Love of God, His compassionate and supernatural existence, through Divine communion with Him, in the Spirit; even as we abide in His Word, Jesus Christ, the Messiah of all mankind, shows us His cleansing power. Having a personal encounter with Christ, comes by the intimate knowledge of His Word, which reveals our God's Love - giving Light to all still seeking redemption from darkness, so that we may behold the Truth and be redeemed by the free gift of His pleasantly permeating presence.
Therefore, let's not relent in bringing others closer to Him, through boldly declaring of the Gospel, making the Word of God plain in love to the needy and weak in the Spirit, that they may be drawn to receive Him wholeheartedly, for their personal Salvation and eternal peace, as new creations in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17).
PRAYER: Thank You in Jesus' gracious name, LORD, for proposing to have a personal encounter in the Spirit, through the knowledge of Your Word, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, empowering me with the Divine understanding of Your Love, and eternal existence as my committed Creator;

From John 1:46


Having received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, saved by His Divine intervention and redeeming Grace, we should also endeavor to redeem the time, proclaiming His Gospel to all - beginning with our loved ones, neighbors, and friends - that our identity in Christ Jesus may be revealed, even as our Christ's calling is being fulfilled through harvesting the fruits we continuously bear into God's Kingdom (Eph 5:16). This is vital, so that all who are lacking the true knowledge of Salvation, may be brought from the dead to walking in Light - having the right understanding of God's Kingdom and His Love for mankind.
Also, by testifying of our Salvation from every curse, found in Christ Jesus, many seeking rescue, breakthrough, and Divine sustenance, will be encouraged, and their faith Strengthened to receive Him who is the only Way, Truth, and Life, that Peace with the Everlasting Father be restored in the Hearts of all who are faithful in obeying Him (Gal 3:13, John 14:6, Romans 5 & Phil. 2:13). So, let's not relent in making known the Good News of His redeeming Grace, and compassionate Love, no matter what they initially reply, testifying of His glorious works unfolding, that the Salvation of the LORD in Christ Jesus may be revealed to all - who require His Divine breakthrough and eternal restoration, to live on with hope to share.
PRAYER: Eternal Father, thank You for the fulfillment of Your Word in my life, which gives me the Grace to lovingly proclaim the Gospel of Truth and Salvation to all - bearing fruits that remain for Your Kingdom and glory, in Christ Jesus;

From John 1:43-45


As Jesus Christ looks on us with favor, and we receive God's Word into our hearts, being born again and committed to living in light of eternity with Him, our identity is transformed and spiritually our name is changed, to uphold our Christ's calling - having the Divine mandate of advancing God's Kingdom, and encouraging the Church - the Body of Christ against whom the gates of Hell will never prevail (Matthew 16:18). Knowing that the Book of Life contains precious names, keeps us focused on our eternal inheritance, and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to bear more fruits, which are destined to remain, for God's glory.
Furthermore, being gracefully called by a new name, we are equipped to encourage souls - discipling them to become fellow labourers in His Vineyard, while we relentlessly help them with their Spiritual needs through Christ, who lives in us by the power of His Spirit!
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, for giving me a name Spiritually reflecting Christ's identity, which subdues the will of the flesh, gracefully upheld to serve solely in Your Vineyard, as an ambassador of Christ, advancing Your Kingdom,

From John 1:42


Advancing God's Kingdom, and bearing fruit that remains, for His glory, starts with sharing the Good News of Salvation with our loved ones and being prepared to give a reason for the hope we have, to spiritually thirsty relatives; for, "charity begins at home," (1 Peter 3:15). Having accomplished this as faithful disciples, we will stay Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to move out even more, into the fields, searching for the lost sheep and discipling them because of our  relationship with the Good Shepherd; we remain fruit-bearing branches in the True Vine.
We may each be eager for the Good News of the Kingdom to go to the whole world, however, true evangelism starts this way, that our Christ's calling may be fulfilled one testimony at a time, and in His name, our identity as a vessel of His Divine will is revealed, as we keep declaring the Salvation of the LORD to mankind with all the saints, growing in love.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for calling and choosing me to declare Your Truth; first, to all the people around me, even as I'm being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to reach out for more souls, living near and far, for Salvation we have found only in Christ Jesus,

From John 1:40-41


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...