Testifying of the Truth in Christ Jesus, which is our Christ's calling, reveals our true identity as His beloved ambassadors and Heirs of the Father, living to the fulfillment of His will on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Yet, not everyone received Jesus and the Father who sent Him, so they also may reject us as witnesses of the Truth. This is because of their unbelief in the Divine nature of Jesus the Messiah, who remains the same. Likewise, people may have hard hearts to the Divine message we bear at our own expense, disregarding the fact that we are not our own, but it's the Holy Spirit who helps us carry the cross for them and who speaks through us; for, that which we've been made to know and understand of Love and New Life, by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we constantly bear witness to, for God's Salvation of souls (John 3:32, 1 Cor. 6:19).
However, the Truth has been delivered to us through the Gospel of Salvation by Christ Jesus, who knows and reveals the Father in Himself by the same Holy Spirit who lives in us (Matthew 11:27). So, even while our message is being ignored by some, we who had once not received loving-kindness, but have now obtained mercy, won't fail to live to the fulfillment of our Christ's calling, as His body; for we know we are not of this world, yet are identified as co-heirs with Christ, destined to be among the saints, as God's chosen generation, set apart as a Holy nation, to proclaim the praises of the One who called us into His marvelous Light (John 8:14, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Hosea 2:23).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for granting us the grace to be able to testify of Your Truth in Christ Jesus, who lives in us and launches us into Your harvest field, so that souls may be revived to be of service and spirits renewed to likewise live for Your Glory; even as Your Kingdom keeps advancing, we ask for workers to be cast into Your sea so that all varieties of people fished for, would be captivated to fall at Your feet, Jesus, in Your mighty name,

From John 3:11


Having been reborn in the Spirit as the Body of Christ and Heirs of the Kingdom, we are graciously sanctified to live in the righteousness of God as a Temple of the Holy Spirit, who testifies that we are not of our own, but our bodies are from the LORD (1 Corinthians 6:19). The Holy Spirit works in and through us, so that we may bear fruit which remains - having been purified for the purpose of advancing God's Kingdom.
The life of a true Christian is not easily influenced by desires of the flesh nor are  events happening around a distraction; for the inner man is strengthened in the power of the Holy Spirit who moves and motivates us solely to please our Heavenly Father. So, wherever the Spirit leads, we will go, as faithful Children of God; for as He brings the wind out of His treasuries, for His glory, so are we sent, as messengers of the Gospel on Earth (Psalm 135:6-7).
PRAYER: in Jesus' name, thank You, Abba Father for equipping me to be of service in Your Vineyard, through the Holy Spirit, who keeps us readily prepared to move at the call of every Divine assignment, which brings glory to Your Holy Name,

From John 3:8


As faithful Christians, we are born of the Spirit,  being dead to the flesh through our union with Christ, sealed by His precious blood, so that we may remain rejuvenated by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ, as joint Heirs with the firstborn Son (Eph. 1:7). We've been reborn of Spirit, to do our Heavenly Father's will on Earth, so that His Love may be revealed to all who thirst for the Living Waters flowing from His vessels. This renews lives, and gives way for more souls to be reborn of the Spirit; for, "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 15:50)
Moreover, the flesh is corruptible and easily influenced by the devil; yet, he who is begotten of the Spirit is divinely empowered to overcome carnal desires and the mortality of the flesh, to act generously - solely to advance God's Kingdom - subduing the forces of darkness as a vessel of His glorious Light, commissioned to declare His Salvation to all (James 1:15-18).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, for having birthed me anew, of the Spirit - overcoming the flesh, even as I remain equipped in Your glorious nature, to live for Your Glory,

From John 3:6


Humans, made in the image of God, are born through a process in which the amniotic fluid falls away and finally, a new drink is introduced by the Mother thereof. Through reconsidering our sins and walking in the Spirit received by faith, in obedience to God's Word, we are graciously saved by faith that Jesus was sent from the Holy Father and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:9)! Having believed, one should baptize another in pure water, which signifies cleansing by the Blood of the Lamb - being dead to the flesh, buried to fulfill the Law, and resurrected with Him in the Spirit - we show obedience to our Father in Heaven and offer evidence to others, of His work in us (Mark 16:16).
Being made members of the Body of Christ, we receive Divine empowerment, known as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which testifies that we are reborn as Sons and Daughters of God - gracefully permitted to enter into His Kingdom.
Therefore, let's never stop proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation, reaching out from a secure place to make disciples of all who need redemption, baptizing them in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, so that they may receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and become Heirs of the Father, in Christ Jesus (Acts 2:38). Through this and teaching observance of all Jesus commanded, we are rest assured of a great inheritance, as a fruit-bearing branch in the True Vine - deserving of Christ's welcoming embrace (Matt. 5:19 & 28:20).
PRAYER: In Jesus' gracious name, thank You, Ever-Loving Father for the grace to be born of water and the Holy Spirit, which makes me highly favored as an Heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom - permitted to enter Paradise,

From John 3:5


The Word of God, Jesus Christ reveals the Kingdom of God, bringing its existence to the understanding of all who receive Him, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the Divine experience of adoption, God's Throne, and patience to be taken up to the dwelling place of the saints. By His Spirit, we visualize God's Kingdom reality through our hearts, so that we may gracefully declare it is near, in truth and love, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus (Matt. 3:2).
However, seeing the dwelling place of Elohim requires a repentant and renewed mind, faithful and sincere heart, and a person having received inside, the promised Spirit; for this allows us to come closer to the LORD, even as we live for Christ, abiding in Him as Heirs of the Father, born-again of His Spirit (Heb. 10:21-22). So, we need to make known the Salvation of the LORD to all, so that as many as receive Him, may come as Born-again believers with changed mindsets, divinely endowed to see God's Kingdom through His Words, as inspired by the Holy Spirit from above.
PRAYER: Thank You, compassionate Heavenly Father, for granting me the grace to divinely visualize Your Kingdom, through the revelation of Your Faithful and True Word which, coming down, revives my soul, and strengthens my Spirit to hope for an eternity with You, in Christ Jesus, 

From John 3:3


The manifestation of the Holy Spirit in and through us, His faithfuls, testifies that we are chosen vessels of God, assigned to live for Christ and compassionately declare His good will to all. Being anointed in Christ Jesus, with the gift of the Holy Spirit and Power to do good, help others with their spiritual needs, and cheerfully give; affirms that we are from God who loves us (John 9:33, Acts 10:38, 1 Cor 9:6-8).
His Joy is the source of our strength and it's the presence of the Prince of Peace which brings fullness of joy and shalom to souls, so that we overflow with hope as we keep trusting (Neh. 8:10, Romans 15:13). Therefore, we should always remain in communion with the Holy Spirit who equips us for His great and marvelous works, so that people may change their minds, coming to repent from sin, even as they receive Christ - wholeheartedly seeking eternal Salvation, which comes from Him alone, who has made Himself available to Jews and Gentiles alike (Prov. 8:17).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You Eternal Father, for Your Divine presence in my life, which reveals my identity in Christ Jesus, and keeps me spiritually equipped to bear more fruits that remain into Your Kingdom; for there be joy in Heaven as the lost are found,

From John 3:1-2


We should always remain committed to God through His Son, Jesus Christ - the Author and Finisher of our Faith - so that, no matter how comfortable it seems we should be with all happening around us, we will not be distracted from our Christ's calling by telling twisted stories of the sinful past we've been saved from nor promoting people we know aren't totally reliable. This is made possible, as we continuously meditate on our Maker and affirm His words, which give us a better understanding of who we can trust in, and our identity as Children of the Divine who lean into Jesus and His own for strength, so that we may ever remain zealous to love God and display the difference this has made to our favored souls.
Therefore, let's be more focused on fulfilling our Heavenly mandate, putting first the Kingdom of God, as we endlessly strive to bring more souls for Jesus to cleanse - discipling them for the Divine commitment of being fruitful as Heirs of our Father in Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank You, Eternal Father and Glorious LORD, for I am Divinely committed to doing my best today, for Your Glory, through Christ who lives in me, having been empowered by the Holy Spirit, to advance Your Kingdom; I also look forward to knowing You fully someday, in the face of Christ Jesus,
Amen (1 Cor 13:12).

From John 2:24-25


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...