The innate desire for men to attain eternity in God's Kingdom makes them search the Hebrew Scriptures diligently, even memorizing them while seeking Divine knowledge, thinking that facts or relatively good behavior are all it takes to gain everlasting life in the bosom of the LORD. Yet, some are not willing to come completely out of darkness, repentant and no longer relying on their old, worldly ways but abiding in the Word of God the Father, whom we know personally as Jesus in the flesh, but whom they only claim to have understood, without asking in faith that God is willing to sacrifice His Son for the world and share His Wisdom, with all things bright and beautiful (James 1:5-7 & Ecc. 3:11). Even so, as we receive Christ with all readiness to be found, from the depth of our hearts, continually meditating on the Scripture, which always tells of Him, and affirming the Gospel of Salvation outlined, living by it in faith while we proclaim it in love to all, an eternity in the bosom of the Father is rest assured (Acts 17:11).
Therefore, as we seek to gain eternity in God's Kingdom, we shouldn't relent in acknowledging the fact that Christ is the Way, Truth, and Life; only when we receive Him in faith, living in His statutes with help from the Spirit of Holiness, will we gracefully enjoy the Divine assurance of eternal life in Heaven (John 14:6-7 & Luke 23:43).
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You, for the intimate knowledge of Your Word, Jesus Christ, and the Divine grace to live in His righteousness. Please keep me motivated to help with changing the mindsets of many running away, into one of receiving and confessing Christ as Your Son, and not merely striving for the knowledge of a man who has yet to arise,

From John 5:39-40


Giving room for Jesus Christ in our hearts, allowing Him to be Our strength as well as the source of life, by constantly meditating on God's Word and affirming the Truth while we endlessly proclaim His Salvation to all, makes us vessels of His Covenant Word which never fails, yet abides forever (Joshua 21:45, Isaiah 55:11). This requires our willingness to receive Christ by faith and a commitment to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, solely to uphold righteousness while, in love, we bear fruits that remain, for His advancing Kingdom (Rom. 12:1).
As chosen vessels of the LORD, called to declare the Good News of Salvation, although we might be rejected or our words seem to be taken for granted, still we mustn't relent in our Christ's calling, bringing to the knowledge of all who are willing to listen, the one we believe in; planting seeds of new life and watering others, so that everyone who harkens to the Word of the LORD and receives Him wholeheartedly in faith, will become Divinely favored and their needs be met, for God's glory (1 Cor. 3:8-9).
PRAYER: Thank You, Eternal Father and Glorious LORD, for Your presence in my life, through Your Word who abides in me, continuously strengthening my faith to live for Your glory, so that I may remain Divinely equipped to change the mindsets of men to receive Your Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,

From John 5:38


God, our Creator and Heavenly Father, bears witness to His Son through the testimony of His Word and Spirit who dwells in true Christians and faithful Children of God (Matthew 3:17). So, as we continuously proclaim God's Word in Love, being witnesses of the Gospel, He also bears witness through us, as the One who graciously commissioned us, through Christ, to advance His Kingdom by helping to change the mindsets of men to receive Salvation, which makes us fruitful as Heirs of the Father (John 8:18).
However, no one has ever physically seen the full form of God; yet, being co-heirs with Christ who has made Him known, we gracefully declare His glory through our love for one another, while we relentlessly testify of the Truth, inspired by the Holy Spirit who abides in us (Deut. 4:12, John 1:14 & 18, 1 John 4:12).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for graciously testifying of Jesus and loving me enough to be repurposed as Your vessel, consecrated to advance and bear fruits for Your Kingdom. This I know, for You are always with me, and by Your grace and favor, I will continue to reach out to more souls for the growth of Your Kingdom, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 5:37


The manifestation of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, performing signs and wonders as we live by faith the Life of Christ, being vessels of God's glorious works, is the greatest witness one could ever have, whose testimony abides forever (1 John 5:9-10). He testifies of our identity and enforces our calling in Christ, so that we may remain strengthened to live as ambassadors of God's Kingdom (Mark 16:17-20).
Furthermore, as we live for God's glory, advancing His Kingdom, while we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in love to all, changing the mindsets of men from every false belief to the realization of Truth in Christ Jesus, the extraordinary things Christians do, bear witness that we are vessels of the LORD, in which His Spirit, who testifies of His great and awesome wonders, dwells (John 3:2 & 10:25).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for Your presence in me, through the Holy Spirit who testifies through Your marvelous works, being the Greatest Witness of Your Word, in whom I am made alive to declare Your Love to all. Please, continue to give me Your mission to fulfill, using me for Your Glory, so that souls may be transformed and made alive in Christ Jesus, who is raised from the dead,

From John 5:36


Our identity and calling in Christ Jesus makes us Witnesses to the Truth as vessels of the Holy Spirit, who Divinely testifies of God's presence in us (Matt. 3:16-17, John 1:29 & 3:2). We've been reborn for this purpose: so that many may come to the realization of the Truth, receiving Christ as the Redeemer of the World, even as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to all.
The declaration of the Holy Spirit breaks barriers and overcomes borders, so that all who listen to the Truth and obediently receive God's Word, may be saved, even as the Kingdom of God keeps advancing and we, true Christians, being Witnesses of the Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit, become fruitful for God's glory.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, our LORD, for empowering me through the Holy Spirit, to testify of Your Word, as a Witness of the Divine Truth. Please, keep me strengthened to reach out to more souls who are lacking the true knowledge of the Gospel, so that they may receive Your Salvation in Christ Jesus, our LORD,

From John 5:33-34


Based on the Old Testament Law, as a man, one cannot bear witness of himself alone, even when his true character portrays to the World, His true identity as a Child of God, as Jesus said He was sent from His Father, God; rather, it requires two or more personalities to testify of him (John 1:29 & 3:2). Even then, as True Christians who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, declaring His Gospel to every person, in Truth and in the Spirit, every word and action which comes from the depth of our hearts, Divinely bears witness of us, through the Holy Spirit who testifies that we are citizens of God's Kingdom (Matt. 3:17, John 8:14).
Furthermore, being ambassadors of God's Kingdom, known in the hearts of those who receive Him and revealed to the World, the Holy Spirit who communes with our spirits, bears witness of our identity and calling in Christ Jesus, of whom we proclaim (John 8:18).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Divinely bearing witness of me as Your own, testifying on my behalf through the Holy Spirit, that I am a chosen vessel assigned to live for Your Glory. Please, let Your presence in my life as a vessel of Divine Witness, gloriously bring more souls to Your Kingdom,

From John 5:31-32


The Love of the Father in Christ Jesus, keeps us united with the LORD through the Holy Spirit who testifies that we are Sons and Daughters of God, as we remain in communion with Him (Romans 8:16-17). Even in times of need or distress, we derive peace from being In His will, and not from seeking our fleshly desires for a moment, knowing full well that we are nothing without God, who showed Jesus how to live, humbly and as a sinless Standard; yet, as we seek His Kingdom first and live in His Righteousness alone, we will never lack the sufficiency of God's grace and enjoy Divine favor (Matt. 6:33 & 26:39, John 5:19).
Moreover, we've been reborn into the Body of Christ, as Heirs of the Holy Father, solely to live in the fulfillment of His Divine will, "on Earth as it is in Heaven," being vessels of His marvelous works made manifest by the Holy Spirit (Matt 6:9-11). This supernaturally sustains us as Overcomers, fed daily with the Bread of Life and filled the Fountain of Living Water, so that we may live to the completion of our Christ's calling; converting souls and discipling them for the advancing Kingdom of our Heavenly Father who sends us (John 4:34 & 6:38).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, our Heavenly Father, for sacrificing Your Son to graciously bring me to remain in union with You, through the presence of the Holy Spirit in me. Please, help me to know Your heart and be an example of unity with You, reaching more souls for the advancement of Your Kingdom; asking all this and more than imaginable, in Jesus' name,

From John 5:30


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...