Vessels of God's mercy, Christians have been called out of darkness and chosen by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to live for God's glory, advancing His Kingdom by doing the will of the Father on Earth as it is in Heaven; still, some may go astray by turning against their Calling and Identity in Christ as a result of wrong and worldly influence - making them vessels of wrath, meant for destruction (Luke 6:13, 1 Peter 2:9, Rom. 9:21-23).
To avoid this, we need to remain faithfully committed in our service to the LORD, embracing our identity as Heirs of the Father while we live meditating on His Word, praising Him and placing His Kingdom first and above all our thoughts and desires so that there may not be room in our hearts for deception by the wicked one even as, "the filthy go on being made filthy and the holy go on being made holy," for time is short. (Matt. 6:33, John 1:8, Rev. 22:11).

PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for calling and anointing me as a vessel of Your Word, chosen to live for the fulfillment of Your Divine will: advancing Your Kingdom. Please, keep me focused on the Son and overcoming all distractions so that I may forever live for Your glory,

From John 6:70-71


Once a person realizes that Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth and Life leading to never-ending time and abundant life with the Father living in Heaven, desiring to dwell in unity with the Saints, one becomes determined to faithfully serve the LORD in Truth and in the Spirit as long as he dwells on the surface of the Earth (John 14:6 & Matt. 16:16). This means upholding His Christ-Calling and never relenting in being fruitful towards advancing God's Kingdom (Matt. 7:16). Shown through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit empowering the life of Christ, sanctification of His Body is to the glory of the Father (Eph. 5:25-27).
Knowing and identifying ourselves with Christ starts with focusing our faith on He alone who is the revelation of God's Word, Love, and Image. He is united with the Holy Spirit and the Father as One God; Elohim, the Creator of all things. With trust in this lover of our souls, we are made Heirs of the Father, having received His Son who abides in Him and He in us, to remain ambassadors of Christ to the World so that through the Love of God in us, the lost may see the Light and come to the realization of the Truth, giving their short lives to Jesus Christ for the Salvation of their souls, forever.
PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Jesus for allowing me to know Your Holiness more each day, for this keeps my faith growing gracefully at a Divine speed. Please strengthen me to always share and show Your Love clearly, so that many may acknowledge Your glorious presence in my life and come to the realization of Truth, even declaring You as their Lord and the Savior of the World, until the return of God's Anointed Messiah,

From John 6:68-69


Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior of all who believe in and receive Him, knows us  better than we can know ourselves, as He is Omniscient. He sees the future and knows our hearts, thoughts and perceptions, even before we act. He needs no one to testify of Himself, nor of humanity. Being united with the Father as God, there is nothing hidden from Him (John 2:24-25).
He guides us through the path of Truth and Righteousness compassionately as the Good Shepherd, yet He knows those among His flock who will fall away, go astray, or turn back to the World. He knows the thoughts of some are unclean towards their Calling, even many who claim to be His followers yet are deceived in their own understanding. They see the manifestation of His miraculous signs and wonders arrogantly, never truly believing in Him but walking away with a full belly from breakthroughs by His Divine Favor (John 3:36 & 13:11).
PRAYER: Thank You, Eternal Father and LORD, Jesus Christ, for knowing me yet bringing me clean into Your presence as a vessel refined for Your glory. Please, fill me with Your Wisdom and continue to humble me as You lead me through the path of Righteousness, so that I may never go astray nor betray Your Love for me but rather, remain faithful as a vessel in Your hands, anointed to advance Your Kingdom and dwell eternally in Heaven.

From John 6:64


Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth, is Immortal and His Word, Jesus Christ is Spirit and Truth, giving life to all who believe and receive Him wholeheartedly (John 6:68). As humans made by the LORD from the dust of the Earth, without the declaration of God's Word proceeding from Him as the Breath of Life entering and dwelling in us, we are spiritually dead and because of agreeing with Satan, all flesh will fade away with time, for the Word of God is Spirit and He gives Life in abundance to all who are faithful to Him (Genesis 2:7, 2 Cor. 3:6, John 10:10).
One needs to be reborn of God by faith in His Word to have the gift of the Holy Spirit in himself, which declares a few to be Children of God, living on Earth as vessels of His Divine will; for nothing we see has any lasting worth, yet the invisible Spirit of Holiness exists without end (John 3:3 & 5, 2 Cor. 4:18).
PRAYER:Thank You, LORD Jesus Christ, for the Breath of Life and the gift of the Holy Spirit in whom I am made alive to shine for Your glory. Please, continue to use me for the fulfillment of Your Divine mandate on Earth; changing lives, transforming souls, strengthening the weak in spirit through Your Word, so that all who believe and receive the Gospel of Salvation which I proclaim, may remain spiritually invincible forever,

From John 6:63


The Bread of Life, God's Son and eternal Word, is the only thing in Heaven and on Earth able to sustain us through certain death, into eternal Life, for Jesus Christ is from God Himself. Given that, and "I am doing a new thing," all who receive, believe, and eat from the Tree of Life, may live forever (Is. 43:19, John 6:50 & Rom. 6:4). Eating the Bread of Life is done, not by buying grain, but through the constant meditation of God's Word, written in the Holy Bible, brought to remembrance by the Holy Spirit in times of need and also taught through the Gift at work in believers; as you affirm it regularly, it becomes written in your hearts, which keeps you sustainably strengthened for a new age in God's Kingdom (Ps. 46:1 & John 14:26).
Moreover, as we eat of God's super-substantial Bread constantly, we will ever remain Divinely restored and spiritually alive, having died to the flesh with Christ on the cross, been buried in baptism, and resurrected with Him in the Spirit, as the Redeemed of the LORD, saved by the gift of grace through our faith that Jesus is the LORD (Matt. 6:11 & Col. 2:12).
PRAYER: Thank You, Eternal and Gracious Father, for feeding me with the knowledge of Your Word - the Bread of Life, which supernaturally sustains me as I continuously meditate on and affirm it. Please help me to reach out to those who need Your super-substantial Bread, so that they may also eat and be Divinely sustained as I share it with love to all, in Jesus' name.

From John 6:58


Partaking of the Word of God, Jesus Christ whose flesh is the Bread of Life and life's blood which was shed for the redemption of all who believe in Him, makes us as citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom, remain Divinely sustained with the gift of eternal life (Matt. 26:26). Feeding on Him keeps us in His presence as He abides with us and we in Him, being strengthened to live the Life of Christ, advancing God's Kingdom while we remain fruitful and preserved for eternity.
However, we shouldn't relent in giving our souls the Divine satisfaction that it deserves in the most Worthy Christ, by meditating on the Word of God regularly, which  keeps us strengthened in the Spirit, physically blessed, and eternally favored to testify of His Goodness, freely offered to all who come our way (Joshua 1:8).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for Divinely sustaining me with Your Word, Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life in whose blood I'm cleansed to live for eternity, for Your glory. Please, continue to lead me to all who need to be fed by Your Word and cleansed with Your Blood, that they may be converted and discipled for Your glory and the assurance of their Divine inheritance as Heirs of Your Kingdom, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 6:53


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...